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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Representative Walz Tours New Ulm Quartzite, Talks Opportunity and Jobs for Southern Minnesota

Sep 12, 2014
Press Release

New Ulm, MN [9/12/14] – Today, Representative Tim Walz toured New Ulm Quartzite and talked about ways to create opportunity and jobs for southern Minnesota, including through his all-American Energy and Infrastructure Act. Rep. Walz’s vision for changing the way Washington thinks about infrastructure and energy is simple: take the royalty payments for offshore drilling and invest them into clean energy and construction jobs that would rebuild our roads and bridges at home, like Highway 14 in New Ulm.

“Whether it was building a railroad syRep. Walz visits New Ulm Quartzitestem to connect the eastern seaboard to the unsettled west in the 19th century or the interstate highway system of the 1950s, investing in infrastructure is about having a vision to move our country forward,” Representative Walz said. “We need to change the way Washington thinks about infrastructure and energy. Doing so will create jobs and increase opportunities for prosperity in southern Minnesota.”

Walz’s all-American energy and infrastructure legislation would create jobs at home and work to provide real solutions to meet our nation’s short and long-term energy and infrastructure needs by expanding offshore drilling and investing those royalty payments into rebuilding our roads and bridges and homegrown energy here at home. Investing these royalties back into nation building at home will create new, good-paying jobs in a number of American sectors including engineering, construction, and maintenance, among others.
