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Education is critical to the success and economic security of future generations. By providing a solid educational foundation from the start, we can ensure that our children have the tools necessary to keep the United States competitive in the global marketplace. 

As a member of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I believe strongly in the importance of STEM education. Ensuring all grade levels have access and experience in science, technology, engineering, and math is a critical point in building up this next generation to face the difficulties and challenges ahead.

Here are some of my favorite examples of how Arizona is rising to the STEM challenge:

 Arizona Science Center| Interactive Exhibit, ‘Imaginate’

“Imaginate is a fun, highly interactive exhibition that focuses on skills that are essential for the next generation of innovators,” says Chevy Humphrey President and CEO of Arizona Science Center in a written statement. “It’s especially interesting to educators because the activities encourage students to consider questions they had never before asked. Where else can you have your students engaged in inquiry-based learning, combining creativity with sciences?”

Arizona Science Foundation| Supports FIRST(R) Robotic Competition

"SFAz is pleased to support AZFirst in its efforts to increase the number of robotic clubs in Arizona while providing students with high value STEM learning opportunities," said Dr. Mary O'Reilly, SFAz program officer.

Hour of Code | http://code.org/learn