Rep. Waxman Statement on GM Internal Investigation on Ignition Switch Defect

Jun 5, 2014

Today Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman released the following statement on the internal investigation by General Motors, conducted by Anton Valukas, on the ignition switch defect:

“The Valukas report provides important new details about GM’s ignition switch defect and its tragic consequences.  Its findings are consistent with what the Committee learned at our April 1 hearing:  that a poor safety culture and repeated failures to identify problems within GM created this defect and prevented the company from acting sooner.  We’ll review the report carefully – it provides important answers, but also raises new questions. We will seek to address these questions at our next hearing with GM officials.

“It’s imperative that GM implement the recommendations of this report.  But Congress needs to do its job too.  We need to give NHTSA improved authority and better resources so that the next time an auto company fails to live up to its obligation to put safe cars on the road, federal officials have the tools they need to keep consumers safe.”