Internal Revenue Service

The Internal Revenue Service betrayed the trust of the American people, and it’s time for this agency to come clean. Targeting of groups based on political philosophy is outrageous behavior that has no place in our society, not to mention the egregious and wasteful spending of millions of taxpayer dollars

That’s why I called for and chaired a June 3, 2013 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee hearing with Internal Revenue Service Principal Deputy Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Russell George serving as witnesses.

Since that date, Mr. Werfel has released a 30-day report and some initial steps are being taken for accountability. But, there’s still a lot of unanswered questions. Who ordered this targeting and why? Before we allocate one more dime to the IRS, we need to know exactly how it spends the money it already receives, and most importantly, we need to have confidence that abuses like we’ve seen will never happen again.