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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

PreK-12 Education

Education is critical to the economic well-being of our country and the future prosperity of our children. We can no longer accept a broken system in which only roughly 30 percent of eighth grade students have basic reading and math skills. As we work to improve the nation’s education system, Republicans look to streamline spending, promote flexibility and innovation, improve teacher quality, and empower parents.

Streamlining Federal Spending
Taxpayer dollars should be spent wisely, removing ineffective programs and making investments that help students achieve success on an increasingly competitive world stage. We need to reduce the federal role in education and work to eliminate waste and duplication.

Promoting Flexibility and Innovation
States and local school districts should be able to use federal dollars for programs that best suit their unique needs without being overwhelmed by government regulations. We support reducing regulatory roadblocks and encouraging maximum flexibility at the state and local level.
Improving Teacher Quality
Studies have consistently shown teacher quality to be among the most influential factors in student academic achievement. We want to encourage creative approaches, such as performance pay, to help attract quality teachers. We oppose burdensome regulations that limit school leaders' ability to retain the best teachers and support giving teachers the freedom to innovate, challenge, and motivate students.

Empowering Parents
Parental choice can help drive innovation, competition, and school improvement. Whether through charter schools, scholarships, open enrollment policies, or other options, parents should have the ability to choose the school that best fits their children’s needs. The federal government should never undermine a parent’s right to act in their child’s best interest. 

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