Maloney statement on immigration executive action

Nov 20, 2014
Press Release

NEW YORK – Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) today released the following statement in reaction to President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration:

“It has been 511 days since the Senate passed a bipartisan Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. House Republicans haven’t allowed a vote, and haven’t proposed an alternative. Where they have failed, the President has acted just as Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush did.

“This executive action will help keep families together. It will boost our economy and generate new tax revenue. It will help end the daily fear, distress and heartbreak that is unnecessarily inflicted on millions of undocumented immigrants, over 800,000 of whom live in New York.

“Those who complain about this executive action were given ample time to propose and pass an alternative plan to fix our broken immigration system. The American people by wide margins support comprehensive reforms. They are tired of the obstruction and ready for both sides to work together on immigration. Perhaps tonight’s announcement will incentivize House Republicans to become partners in that effort.” 
