Ribble Biennial Budgeting Bill Passes House Budget Committee

Feb 11, 2014 Issues: Budget

Washington, D.C. - Today the House Budget Committee approved Mr. Ribble’s Biennial Budgeting and Enhanced Oversight Act (H.R. 1869). Ribble’s legislation passed the committee on a bipartisan vote of 22-10.
The following is a statement from Congressman Ribble on the passage of his legislation:
“I’m encouraged to see such a strong bipartisan vote on my biennial budgeting legislation today. This markup was one of the most constructive conversations I've seen since I came to Congress. Members of Congress put down their swords and genuinely discussed and debated the policy issue before them and agreed on this piece of legislation. This is one of the most significant budget process reforms to ever pass through committee, and it’s never had this kind of bipartisan support. But the work isn’t done. We still need to get this legislation to the House floor, and I will continue to work to make that happen.”

Govtrack.us notes that only 11 percent of committee bills have made it out of committee in the past three years.
