Congressman Jim Bridenstine

Representing the 1st District of Oklahoma
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Efficient, reliable energy is at the heart of nearly every aspect of American life and business and impacts US foreign and domestic policy.  Energy policy should aim to reduce our dependence on foreign oil while increasing access to various forms of clean energy.

To reduce our dependence on foreign oil, Congress should lift restrictions on clean drilling in our own territory.  Natural gas, wind, solar, nuclear, and geothermal energy are viable alternative sources of energy, and the free market has the capacity to advance these technologies.
Cap and Trade legislation would tax fossil fuels, raise energy prices, and force consumers into alternative fuels prematurely.  Controlling markets in this fashion is not an appropriate role of government and cripples the economy.  While the environment should be protected and climate change studies may be justified, global warming theories should not drive national energy policy without clearer evidence.
Most of America’s energy needs are met with fossil fuels.  Coal has long been the fuel of choice for electric generation.  Since early in the first term, the Obama administration has targeted the coal industry, and the EPA has steadily tightened regulations. This is bad policy.
Burdensome regulations on coal use directly increases the cost of electricity. Since low-income families spend a larger portion of their income on utilities, this is especially hard on the poorest Americans, but it hits everyone and increases costs for everything people consume.
One ill-conceived idea is a carbon tax. An excellent study by the Heritage Foundation is available at: Heritage cites a 2012 US Energy Information Agency analysis of proposed carbon tax that would result in costs to the average family of some $1,900/year in income loss, plus $500 added non-gasoline energy costs, and a 10% increase in gasoline prices while costing the economy a million jobs by 2016.  The Heritage study concludes that, “The economic, environmental, and political realities surrounding a carbon tax are clear indications that this is bad policy.” I agree.
Since future carbon emissions from the developing world (including China & India) will far outweigh US emissions growth, even severely limiting U.S. use of fossil fuels would have very little impact on worldwide carbon emissions.
For even more fundamental, constitutional reasons, I oppose EPA policy and regulatory efforts to penalize coal use. It is entirely inappropriate for any federal agency to circumvent the separation of powers by trying to achieve by regulation what would never pass Congress as legislation.

More on Energy

Nov 13, 2014 Press Release

On November 11th, President Obama unilaterally committed the U.S. to even steeper greenhouse gas reductions that will have a negligible effect on global temperatures. The President has shown that he will stop at nothing to implement a radical green agenda.

Nov 13, 2014 Jim's Blog

On November 11th, President Obama unilaterally committed the U.S. to even steeper greenhouse gas reductions. Ironically, these new greenhouse gas emission reductions will have a negligible effect on global temperatures.  The President has shown that he will stop at nothing to implement the radical green agenda his far left supporters demand. 

Nov 7, 2014 Press Release

The Administration’s “war on energy” continues in the Department of Transportation.  The Department (DOT) issued a proposed rule that would dramatically hinder crude oil transport by rail.  The rule would severely limit throughput, impose huge costs on the industry, and severely restrict transport capacity. 

Jun 26, 2014 Press Release

Congressman Jim Bridenstine applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for passing three bills this week moving toward a comprehensive energy strategy. “I supported all three bills.  Much of the language is identical to my comprehensive energy legislation introduced in March, the American Energy Renaissance Act.”

This week’s legislation reduces burdensome and unnecessary regulations on the oil and natural gas industry:

May 6, 2014 Jim's Blog

This week, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is expected to mark up H.R. 6, the Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act, introduced by Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO). The bill is a timely proposal that would expedite approval for the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to nations that are members of the World Trade Organization. As a matter of public policy, increasing domestic energy production and lifting the ban on energy exports would greatly benefit American consumers and the economy at large.

Apr 24, 2014 In The News

On March 27, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced the American Energy Renaissance Act, providing for comprehensive liberation of energy producers to maximize energy production, job creation and prosperity for America. A companion bill was introduced in the House by Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK).

Apr 8, 2014 Press Release

The Ambassador from Azerbaijan to the United States is joining U.S. Congressman Jim Bridenstine for a town hall in Tulsa Sunday afternoon, April 13th.  In light of the Ukrainian crisis, Ambassador Elin Suleymanov and the Congressman will highlight the linkage of energy security to global political stability.

Apr 1, 2014 In The News

Over the past few years, energy production has been one of the bright spots in the American economy. The U. S. is now the world’s largest natural gas producer and will soon be the world’s largest oil producer. Senator Ted Cruz’s (R–Texas) American Energy Renaissance Act, along with its companion bill introduced in the House by Representative Jim Bridenstine (R–Okla.), will help this sector shine even brighter.

Mar 28, 2014 In The News

Nearly one month after Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke before a group of oilfield executives and employees to announce his idea of an American Energy Renaissance Act to increase jobs and energy independence—his office recently announced the filing of similarly-named legislation. During his speech reported on byBreitbart Texas in February, Cruz said, “The American energy renaissance that is beginning before our eyes can help save us from the Obama economy.”

Mar 27, 2014 Press Release

Sen. Cruz and Rep. Bridenstine File Legislation to
Embrace American Energy Renaissance, Spark Job Creation

S. 2170 and H.R. 4286 embrace American Energy Renaissance, eliminate barriers to trade and infrastructure to spark job growth and assist international allies