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  • Agriculture

    “…I will continue to work to ensure the viability of U.S. agriculture with the interests of producers and consumers living and working in our area in mind…” The need for agriculture The farming and ranching industry plays an important role in the 13...

  • Cybersecurity

    “Cybersecurity attacks are a direct threat to our economy and job creation, as well as our national security." Congressman Thornberry Discusses Cybersecurity on Washington Journal on the Eleventh Anniversary of September 11, 2001. Importance of Cyber...

  • Economy

    “America is the land of opportunity. Congress needs to keep it that way by keeping taxes low, making sure regulations are limited and based on common sense, and ensuring Americans have the freedom to make the decisions that are best for themselves a...

  • Energy

    “We need to produce more energy of all kinds here at home.” Our need for energy Energy is not only critical for U.S. national security, economic well-being, and stability, but also to the folks who live in our part of Texas where distances between co...

  • Executive Overreach

    "Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires the President to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” President Obama consistently shows utter disregard for the rule and enforcement of law. From Obamacare delays, a failure to enforce...

  • Health Care Reform

    " I believe Obamacare will have significant, detrimental effects on our health care and on our nation. Many people are already seeing higher insurance premiums, and I have personally talked with several doctors who have decided to retire or are consi...

  • Immigration

    “One of the most basic responsibilities of any country’s government is to manage immigration in ways that promote the nation’s interests and helps keep it safe.” America is a nation of immigrants, and a nation of laws. It is clear that our immigratio...

  • Making Government Work Better

    “People rightly expect limited, competent government that spends within its means and is accountable to those who are paying the bills—the taxpayers. And they deserve no less.” Losing faith in the federal government From the slow distribution of H1N1...

  • Medicare

    "Today, one in seven Americans receive Medicare benefits. This number grows daily as does the gap in funding. We cannot wait any longer to put politics aside and have an honest, straight-forward conversation about how we can save Medicare." Common Q...

  • National Security

    “I believe that the first job of the federal government is to defend America. As a member of the House Armed Services and Intelligence Committees, I work every day to help keep our country safe and secure and to provide the men and women of the milit...

  • Second Amendment

    “Our Founding Fathers considered this right important enough to make it a prominent part of our Constitution. I will continue to push for legislation that will protect the Second Amendment rights of all of our citizens and oppose any attempts to infr...

  • Sequestration

    Sequestration Rep. Thornberry Discusses His Plan to Delay Obamacare and Prevent Sequestration On March 1, automatic, across-the-board cuts, known as sequestration, began in many federal programs. There is widespread agreement that the effects on def...

  • Social Security

    “Medicare and Social Security are two of the most important federal programs. We must look for honest and direct ways to protect benefits for those currently receiving them, for baby boomers, and for future generations to come without bankrupting the...

  • SOPA: Stop Online Piracy Act

    I do not support the current proposals in either the House (SOPA) or Senate (PIPA) aimed at stopping online piracy. Protecting ideas, products, and intellectual property of all kinds on the Internet is important. Protecting the free exchange of ideas...

  • Taxes

    The Tax Debate President Obama has been making the case that some Americans with higher incomes are not paying their fair share of taxes. The lower tax rates that were passed in 2001 and 2003 expired at the end of 2012 for those individuals earning o...

  • The Fiscal Cliff

    My Vote to Permanently Extend Tax Cuts Below is my statement for the Congressional Record that explains why I voted for the American Taxpayer Relief Act. This was not an easy vote to make, and it was a decision made after carefully weighing the conc...

  • Thoughts on Government

    Dear Friend, People often ask about my views of government. It is a good time to share those views as we consider individual issues like federal spending, our national debt and deficit, and national security because it gives us a chance to sit back ...