News from Congressman Scott Peters 


September 23, 2013

Dear Friend,

At the end of this month the government budget ends and essential services will stop until a solution on how to fund the government can be reached. Further, unless we work on the 'debt ceiling' we risk defaulting on our debt obligation, and jeopardize our national credit. Because Congressional leaders have failed to come together and negotiate a compromise that the President will sign, we face a shutdown and default, which in tandem could have immense implications on the economic health of our country.

Over the next few weeks I will be fighting to end the harmful sequester cuts while supporting a budget plan that makes necessary investments in infrastructure, education, and research, and cuts waste and inefficiency throughout the federal government.

Read my Op-Ed in the Washington Times about ending the sequester: Click HERE

Protecting America's Credit

Recently, in light of the pending debt ceiling debate in Congress, I introduced a two-part legislative proposal that would take the politics out of the debt ceiling and protect our national credit rating. The 'Protect America's Credit Act' and the 'Pay Down the Debt Act' would have a dual purpose: if the national debt is falling as a share of the economy then the debt ceiling can rise without a vote, however if spending has increased too quickly and debt is rising as a share of the economy then a vote would be triggered. Further, the President and Congress would be forced into budget negotiations where they would be required to come up with a plan to significantly reduce the debt. If they failed to do so, members would be allowed to introduce ideas on how to cut our debt that would get a vote.

Read the Congressional Quarterly coverage of my debt ceiling bills: Click HERE

Helping San Diego Veterans

One of the key functions of my office is to help constituents when they're having trouble with a federal agency. Recently, we were able to help a local combat veteran, who had been a victim of former Mayor Filner's poor behavior, get the disability rating that she was entitled to but had been unable to obtain. Another local veteran, who was discharged under the now defunct 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT)' policy came to our office for help getting his earned benefits. I am happy to be a cosponsor of legislation that would make sure veterans discharged under DADT get the benefits that they earned through their sacrifice to our country.

10 News had coverage of each veteran's story and they can be seen HERE and HERE.

My local office has also joined with the Wounded Warrior Fellows program and I am proud to announce that a new staffer has come on board to help with the influx of veterans' specific casework. If you are a veteran who is having difficulty with the VA or receiving your benefits, as always feel free to contact my San Diego office.

Staying in Contact

Please continue to let me know your thoughts on issues facing our country. Feel free to email me or call my office at 202-225-0508 or 858-455-5550 if you have any questions, suggestions, or issues with a federal agency. For updates on what I'm working on make sure to 'like' me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter at @RepScottPeters, or visit my website.



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Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-0508
San Diego District Office
4350 Executive Drive, Ste. 105
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: 858-455-5550

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