News from Congressman Scott Peters 


December 19, 2013

Dear Friend,

The House of Representatives ended its 2013 session last Thursday, on pace to be the least productive Congress since historians started keeping tracking. As much as I love being in San Diego, it's ridiculous that the House adjourned three weeks before the end of the year with so many critical problems left unresolved.

The Budget Agreement

I am encouraged by the recent budget deal and hope it signals a reduction in the hyper-partisan, crisis-to-crisis mentality that has become the norm in Washington. For the first time in a long time, the freshman class has brought a problem-solving attitude to D.C. that our constituents expect and deserve.

The budget deal, the first to pass Congress in four years, is far from perfect but it dramatically reduces the likelihood of another government shutdown, provides some relief from the sequester over the next two years, and gives the funding predictability that our military and federal agencies desperately need.

Congressional To-Do List

The list of items to address in 2014 is long, and I will continue to advocate for San Diego's priorities in Washington. Clearly, providing an atmosphere that is conducive to job growth must be at the top of the list.

Other issues on my priority list for next year include fixing our broken immigration system, reforming the overly-burdensome tax code, ending and replacing the foolish across-the-board sequester cuts with smarter cuts, investing in our country's infrastructure, protecting basic scientific research, promoting a renewable energy portfolio, and working toward a bipartisan strategy on addressing our nation's long-term debt while maintaining the safety net for those who have paid into and earned their benefits.

What do you think should be at the top of Congress' to-do list? Please visit my Facebook page or email me to let me know your thoughts and opinions. I want to hear from you.

Stay Connected

As always, in addition to my Facebook page and email, feel free to follow me on Twitter, add my Google + page to your circles, or visit my website for more information. Further, you can always call either of my offices at 202-225-0508 or 858-455-5550.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and have a safe start to the New Year.




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