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Ellmers Response to President Obama's Jobs Speech

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers released the following statement from her office in Washington this evening:

"This evening President Obama travelled to the House chamber to speak on the dire state of our economy. Two and a half years after his inauguration we hear another speech and more excuses for why our economy is not responding to his treatment. The message stays the same and the proposals never change, they just get new names such as 'stimulus' 'shovel ready' and recently 'fixing our infrastructure.'"

"Now the president is calling for more spending, more gimmicks and more of the same policies that have failed to create jobs since he was sworn in two and a half years ago. The president just doesn't get it. Running up the debt and deficit to "invest" in these stimulus programs does not sustain lasting growth or job creation - they merely create more bills for future generations to pay. At times like these, I'm often reminded of the old saying 'give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.'"

"President Obama is trapped in an ideology that has been proven decade after decade to fail. He is creating a culture of dependence where Americans are encouraged to rely on the government for their daily bread instead of encouraging them to create, innovate, and prosper. Rather than support small business growth and entrepreneurial innovation, the president instead punishes their success with tax increases and bullies their submission with threats of fines, mandates, and regulations. Is it any wonder why the economy created not a single job in August?"

"Americans are fed up and want a leader who puts his words into action. They don't have to look far to see the important job-creating bills that we have passed here in the House. No less than nine bills have been passed since January, and each one has been ignored and brushed aside by a Democrat-controlled Senate unable to even pass a budget for the past 855 days and counting. No more excuses, no more speeches. Now is the time to act on removing the barriers to prosperity and getting our economy back on track."

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For more information, please visit Congresswoman Ellmers’ website at www.ellmers.house.govor call (202) 225-4531.

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