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Congresswoman Candice Miller

Representing the 10th District of Michigan


Dec 11, 2011 Editorials and News Articles

Representative Candice Miller (MI-10)
The Port Huron Times Herald

The border agreement reached by President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is the best news we have had for the Blue Water Bridge in a decade.

Sep 1, 2011 Editorials and News Articles

U.S. Representative Candice Miller, Harrison Township, MI-10
National Guard Associated, September Issue

Aug 11, 2011 Editorials and News Articles

Miller: Nation needs entitlement reform, balanced budget amendment and more cuts
U.S. Rep. Candice Miller

The Detroit News

We all understand that our great nation is going through trying economic times.

Jul 15, 2011 Editorials and News Articles

Macomb Daily

The U.S. House voted this week 406-22 to add five years to the life of the National Flood Insurance Program.

With opposition amounting to nearly 20 to 1, is the minority simply out of step with reality?

In this case, we think not.
