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Congresswoman Candice Miller

Representing the 10th District of Michigan


Jul 1, 2013 Editorials and News Articles
Michigan lawmaker is building support for a border security plan
Jun 23, 2013 Editorials and News Articles
A decade of below-normal water levels and limited federal funding for harbor dredging and infrastructure repair has dramatically curtailed shipping and made some of our recreational harbors nearly unusable.
Jun 18, 2013 Editorials and News Articles
A 24-foot security patrol boat and its docking location were unveiled Monday at the Lake St. Clair waterfront in New Baltimore.
Jun 16, 2013 Editorials and News Articles

Every citizen of America has the right to vote, but no citizen has the right to vote twice in the same election. Those obvious truths should be easy enough to implement in our election law, but in politics nothing is ever easy.

Jun 16, 2013 Editorials and News Articles

Americans have a long and proud tradition of extending aid to their fellow citizens in times of need. When our friends, our families and our communities need help we have provided it, as individuals and as members of religious and civic organizations. And, as taxpayers, through our government.

Jun 7, 2013 Editorials and News Articles

WASHINGTON — Three Michigan members of Congress are pushing a measure that could help generate more funding for harbor dredging in the state and across the Great Lakes.

May 28, 2013 Editorials and News Articles
Treating journalism as a criminal enterprise strikes at the heart of what it means to live in a free society.
May 26, 2013 Editorials and News Articles
Local officials want to stop plans for a border crossing fee before they begin.
May 24, 2013 Editorials and News Articles

While focusing much of her attention over the past two years to border security, U.S. Rep. Candice Miller this week turned to the immigration issue of borderless security.

At a session of her House subcommittee, Miller explored ways to deal with the 40 percent of illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States by overstaying their visas, not penetrating the borders.

Apr 30, 2013 Editorials and News Articles

WASHINGTON –  While the Senate immigration bill devotes hundreds of pages to immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally over the Southwest border, it pays little attention to another but equally persistent problem: those who enter legally but never leave. In Washington and in the immigration business they're known as visa overstays.
