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Congresswoman Candice Miller

Representing the 10th District of Michigan

GOP Rep. Candice Miller: Massive Illegal Immigration Will Destroy US Middle Class

Aug 14, 2014
Editorials and News Articles
by Tony Lee, 13 Aug 2014

On Wednesday, Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI) warned that if President Barack Obama grants temporary amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal immigrants, he will destroy America's middle class.

In a Wednesday op-ed for the Detroit News, Miller wrote that "middle- and working-class Americans cannot survive and thrive in a labor marketplace skewed by unskilled, low-wage workers who are here illegally."

"And our taxpayers cannot bear the burden of providing services – education, health and welfare – to millions of illegals," she continued.

Lawmakers like Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) have emphasized that massive grants of amnesty only make it more difficult for American workers, especially those at the bottom of the economic ladder, to find jobs. Moreover, governors and local officials have complained that they do not have the resources to take care of the illegal immigrants that the federal government is dumping in their communities. The Congressional Budget Office last year concluded that the Senate's comprehensive amnesty bill would lower the wages of American workers for a decade.

Before Congress went on recess, the House passed a border bill that would prevent President Barack Obama from using federal funds to implement future grants of temporary amnesty. Miller noted that the "House legislation would restore Congress to its proper constitutional role as the branch of government responsible for establishing immigration law."

She also criticized Democrats who do not want to amend a 2008 law which prevents officials from immediately deporting illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico and Canada.

"Under the Obama administration’s current interpretation of a 2008 law targeting human traffickers, it can take years to determine if these children and adolescents are eligible for asylum. This approach has clearly failed to curb trafficking and has been used as a way to avoid deportation by drug smugglers and gang members," she wrote. "The more humane way to address the needs of these children would be to facilitate immediate reunification with their families in their home countries."

Miller, who has suggested that America's foreign aid to Central American nations would be better spent in Detroit if those nations do nothing to deter migrants from going to America, also emphasized that the spending in the House bill for border security "is offset in its entirety by reductions in foreign aid (an approach I suggested weeks ago to demonstrate to Central American countries turning a blind eye to immigration enforcement that they should not be rewarded for complicity in the exploitation of their own children)."


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