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Congresswoman Candice Miller

Representing the 10th District of Michigan

Rep. Miller: Cuts to our Nation's Air National Guard Must be Reevaluated

Mar 20, 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) made the following comments regarding Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley and Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz’s testimony delivered today before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on the Air Force’s proposed force-structure changes. Miller is deeply concerned with the proposed dramatic cuts directing a large force-reduction of our Air National Guard. The Air National Guard which represents 35% of the Air Force’s air capability and only 6% of the cost, were asked to absorb 59% of the cuts in total air craft. Miller said:

“Our nation is faced with the need to find cost savings within the Department of Defense budget, and I understand the need to look at every program to find waste and trim fat. However, I’m concerned with how these cuts are being applied to the Air National Guard – one of our nation’s most effective and efficient military components. If budgetary savings are the goal, then it makes little sense that the majority of cuts come from the most cost effective part of the Air Force – the Air National Guard. The Air National Guard currently delivers 35% of our air capability while only accounting for 6% of the budget. I also strongly disagree with Secretary Donely who asserted today that the proposed cuts ‘trade size for quality’ within our air capabilities. In fact, the experience and skill of both our Air National Guard pilots and ground crews are incredibly valuable and irreplaceable.

“I am proud to stand with and support the call of 49 Governors and every Adjutant General of the National Guard from each of the 54 states and territories who have all stood up against these cuts and asked the Secretary of the Department of Defense to chart a different course. I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to turn back this very flawed policy which I believe makes no budgetary sense and would harm our national defense.”
