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Right to Refuse

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What Is the Right to Refuse?

The Right to Refuse is H.J. Res. 28, a constitutional amendment that would effectively reverse the health care mandate tax.  A simple amendment, it states:  “Congress shall make no law that imposes a tax on a failure to purchase goods or services.”

The significance of the Right to Refuse Amendment is that it would also permanently prevent Congress from passing legislation that forces Americans to choose between the purchase of goods and services or tax penalties.

I introduced this bill I believe the government has no business taking your hard-earned money just because you don’t spend it the way Washington wants. 

I believe Americans should have the Right to Refuse.

Do you believe in the Right to Refuse?  Become a Citizen CoSponsor today! 

What Others Are Saying About Right to Refuse:

Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist: "There are 20 new or higher taxes in Obamacare, none worse than the penalty tax provisions.  Your amendment will prevent any further damage to taxpayers' freedoms."

CATO Constitutional Law Scholar Ilya Shapiro: "Short and sweet and, with the mandate-tax set to take effect this next January, now is the time to act to prevent about 11 million mostly middle-class Americans from getting hit." 

Center for Individual Freedom: "...If passed and ratified, [Right to Refuse] will prevent Congress from taxing individuals and businesses as punishment simply for failing to purchase goods and services. ... CFIF wholeheartedly endorses H.J. Res. 28 – the “Right to Refuse” Amendment – and urges every Member of Congress to co-sponsor and pass it without delay."

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