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Family Values

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As a lifelong Mississippian, I understand the importance of faith, family and traditional values. These basic principles are what made this country great, and what makes South Mississippi such a wonderful place to live and raise a family.  These principles guide many decisions I make in Washington as I represent the Fourth Congressional District. I am committed to protecting life, the sanctity of marriage, and our Mississippi values.

I believe that all children have the right to life, beginning at conception. I have been endorsed by the Mississippi Right to Life in each previous office I have held.

I also believe in the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman, and the federal government should not be allowed to mandate or regulate the values set by individual states. I strongly support the Defense of Marriage Act, which permits states to enact a traditional marriage law in their own state government.

To this end, I co-sponsored H.R. 5285, the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act. H.R. 5285 protects faith-based child welfare providers from discrimination from the federal government or from states who receive federal funding to carry out child welfare services. The Act would remedy discrimination against religious groups who wish to provide child welfare services while still holding on to their moral convictions. This bill is strongly supported by the Catholic Church and other religious organizations.

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