
Jim is a strong supporter of international trade because it is the backbone of our economy and it lifts people out of poverty in the developing world.  In Seattle, as well as in remote villages throughout the world, he has seen firsthand how trade improves people’s lives.

More than a third of Seattle jobs are in some way dependent on international trade, so it is critical to promote an environment in which these businesses can continue to thrive.  Seattle is home to the most competitive and successful companies in the world, but in a global marketplace, we shouldn’t take our position for granted.

As we strive to maintain a business-friendly environment, it is critically important not to abandon the values that have built this country. Through generations of labor struggles, the U.S. has become a better place for workers. Hard-fought environmental standards strive to keep our communities clean and healthy. Jim strongly believes that we shouldn’t be in a “race to the bottom” and, though these essential protections may incrementally increase the cost of doing business here, they are the right thing to do.

Countries without strong and enforceable environmental and labor standards enjoy unfair comparative advantage.  Jim knows that good trade agreements can help level this playing field.

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