Maloney statement on October jobs report

Nov 7, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), the Ranking House Democrat on the Joint Economic Committee, today released the following statement after the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 214,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.8 percent, the lowest unemployment rate since July 2008.  With businesses adding 209,000 jobs, this marks the 56th consecutive month of private sector job growth.

“After the longest sustained period of job growth in American History, the unemployment rate is now at its lowest level since July 2008. This is welcome news, but we cannot rest until every American who wants a job, has a job.

“I am hopeful that the new Congress will take the issue of job creation seriously. We cannot hesitate to invest in infrastructure, research and development, and education. We should no longer delay important priorities like immigration reform and tax reform. And we must take action to ensure the gains in our economy are broadly shared by raising the minimum wage, making equal pay for equal work a reality, and by expanding rights in the workplace.

“Although it is unlikely that all of these priorities will be addressed in the next two years, I believe we must work together to find common ground and begin to take action. The American people didn’t vote for more gridlock. They are demanding action.”