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Congressman Andy Barr

Representing All the People of Kentucky's Sixth District

Press Releases

Jul 24, 2013
Amendment makes H.R. 2397 the best chance to stop the furloughs that are compromising national security and hurting Kentucky families

WASHINGTON - Congressman Andy Barr released the following statement regarding H.R. 2397, the FY 2014 Department of Defense appropriations bill, which includes a provision that would keep the President’s sequester from furloughing the Blue Grass Army Depot’s personnel:

Jul 19, 2013
As a father of two young girls, I am committed to ensuring that all our of children have the opportunity to succeed. That’s why I voted to get Washington bureaucrats out of Kentucky’s classrooms and empower local communities to fix our broken education system.
Jul 17, 2013
Today, I voted to delay Obamacare’s implementation, saving jobs and protect hardworking American families from the individual mandate. Unlike the President, we know it’s not fair to give businesses and labor unions relief from Obamacare’s job-crushing provisions and leave families to deal with the disastrous consequences.
Jul 11, 2013

Washington - Congressman Andy Barr released the following statement on H.R. 2642, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act, which passed the House of Representatives today by a vote of 216-208:

Jul 10, 2013

WASHINGTON – Congressman Andy Barr released the following statement regarding the Army’s decision to grant the Blue Grass Army Depot (BGAD) firefighters an exemption from the sequester furloughs:

Jul 3, 2013

Lexington - To better serve the people of central and eastern Kentucky, Congressman Andy Barr’s staff conducts traveling office hours in every county of the Sixth Congressional District each month.  A member of Congressman Barr’s staff will be holding traveling office hours in Nicholas, Fayette, Fleming, Robertson, Clark, Montgomery, Bath, Franklin and Scott Counties ne

Jul 3, 2013

Lexington - This Friday, July 5th, Congressman Andy Barr will meet with constituents at a "Coffee with your Congressman" event in Menifee County and a Town Hall meeting in Powell County.

Jul 1, 2013
In May, Congressman Barr voted for the Smarter Solutions for Students Act, House-passed legislation which would have taken immediate action to prevent student loan rates from increasing unnecessarily.
Jul 1, 2013
I am honored to represent the “Horse Capital of the World” as the Chairman of the Congressional Horse Caucus.
Jun 25, 2013

Washington – Congressman Andy Barr released the following statement regarding President Obama’s “Climate Action Plan”:
