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Congressman Andy Barr

Representing All the People of Kentucky's Sixth District

Second Amendment

I believe that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms.  Responsible gun ownership constitutes a vital part of our nation’s heritage, and remains central to Americans’ ability to defend themselves and their families.     

It is appropriate for us to always look for ways we can better keep our schools, our communities, and our families safe.  As a strong defender of the Second Amendment, however, I know that law-abiding, responsible gun owners make essential contributions to public safety and that attacking the Second Amendment – as some in Washington are all too quick to do – is not the answer.  I believe that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms.  Responsible gun ownership constitutes a vital part of our nation’s heritage, and remains central to Americans’ ability to defend themselves and their families.    

I remain committed to working toward real solutions that will realistically enhance safety in our communities and our schools, in a way that is consistent with the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding and responsible gun owners.  Instead of infringing on Americans’ constitutional rights and disarming law-abiding citizens, Congress should focus on the real problem – identifying people with a history of significant mental illness and social isolation and making sure they have access to the urgent care or counseling they need.  I also believe that we can do a better job of enforcing our existing criminal gun laws, and addressing the glorification of violence in our culture and media.

  • Following President Obama’s announcement of his gun control legislative package, Rep. Barr signed and supported a letter to the President to assert that attacking the Second Amendment is not the answer.  
  • ​Signed the Stockman-Broun letter in opposition to universal background checks.  This letter details why opposition to universal background checks is so essential, and also urges Speaker Boehner not to bring gun legislation to the House floor for a vote unless it has the support of a majority of Republican House members.  This will help ensure that Congress does not advance measures which undermine the Second Amendment.
  • ​Cosponsor of legislation opposing the ratification and implementation UN Arms Trade Treaty, and signed a congressional letter to President Obama Secretary of State John Kerry, urging strong opposition to the UN Arms Trade Treaty. 

More on Second Amendment

Jan 28, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Andy Barr released the following statement following President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

“Tonight, I had hoped to hear about how the President will reduce our exploding federal debt, protect the American people from the harmful effects of the new healthcare law, and grow the economy to create jobs for hardworking families who are suffering in this stagnant economy.

“Unfortunately, the President offered the same failed approach of more government spending, more job-crushing regulations, and higher taxes.

Jan 15, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON –Congressman Andy Barr today released the following statement following House passage of the FY 2014 Omnibus Appropriations bill:

“The people of central and eastern Kentucky sent me to Washington to rein in out-of-control federal spending, save our country from bankruptcy, and promote the long-term growth of our economy and our workforce.

Dec 9, 2013 Press Release
The response today demonstrates the overwhelming interest in finding new opportunities to build community and economic success in the Appalachian region.
Sep 30, 2013 Press Release
Congressman Andy Barr spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives after voting for  the House Amendment to the CR, which would keep the government open, while delaying Obamacare's individual mandate and canceling health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress, their staff and the White House.

Mr. Barr:

The House has voted multiple times to fund the government and to prevent a shutdown.

Jun 13, 2013 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Andy Barr today announced the launch of his newly re-designed congressional website, www.Barr.House.Gov.  This new "Online Office" will serve as an interactive and informative resource for Congressman Barr’s constituents. 

Jan 16, 2013 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congressman Andy Barr today issued the following statement regarding President Obama's gun control proposals:

Dec 13, 2012 Page
A list of the Committees and Caucuses on which I currently serve.