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Congressman Andy Barr

Representing All the People of Kentucky's Sixth District


As I have traveled throughout the Sixth Congressional District, I have been very upfront about my opposition to the President’s health care law.  I frequently hear from constituents that Obamacare is simply making their life more difficult and their health care more unaffordable. 

These stories range from families losing their current employer-sponsored coverage, to young people facing skyrocketing premiums, to small businesses holding off on hiring new workers or reducing employee’s hours due to uncertainty regarding the employer mandate, to seniors worrying about the extent to which the Independent Payment Advisory Board and the law’s $716 billion in cuts to Medicare will limit their access to care.  On top of all of this, the law includes twenty-one new tax increases totaling over $1 trillion, and open-ended spending on a new entitlement that we simply cannot afford.

This is why I have worked in Congress to protect the American people from the consequences of Obamacare by voting to repeal the law and replace it with patient-centered reforms that will lower costs without growing government.

Congressman Barr at Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital in Lexington.

Expanding access to affordable, quality care without putting bureaucrats between patients and doctors has been a top priority of mine for the 113th Congress.  I believe that this can be accomplished through reforms that emphasize the physician-patient relationship, and also encourage portability of coverage.  These solutions include, but are not limited to, supplementing the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health insurance with a series of individual and family tax credits to make health insurance premiums more affordable; authorizing interstate competition among the 1,300 private health insurers to increase options and drive down costs; enacting sensible medical liability reform to prevent defensive medicine; expanding association health plans to allow small businesses and the self-employed to group together to purchase coverage on a more affordable basis; and promoting consumerism though high deductible insurance policies and tax-free health savings accounts that reconnect the health care consumer to the cost of health care services.  To solve the problem of pre-existing conditions, I support funding for state-based high risk pools.

Going forward, I will work to enact these reforms to our nation’s health care system which I believe are sustainable, protect the doctor-patient relationship, expand access to care while lowering the cost of delivering health care, and are centered around the American people, not Washington.  While we may have differences with respect to specific policy solutions, we can all agree that the American people deserve a health care system that provides quality care to patients at affordable prices which encourages wellness and medical innovation.

I also believe that we need to further promote medical innovation.  Federal grants provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) offer researchers a vital opportunity to perform pioneering research that will ultimately cure some of the most deadly and serious diseases impacting human health.  That is why I believe we must couple a strong commitment to NIH research with reform of our current mandatory spending programs, including Medicare.  If left unchanged, Medicare will continue to consume an ever-increasing percentage of our federal budget and crowd out our ability to sufficiently fund the NIH.  A strong level of funding for the NIH is critical if the United States is going to continue to play a leading role in medical research, and going forward, I will continue to advocate for robust funding for the NIH.

Among the healthcare initiatives I have supported:

  • I have voted for several measures to repeal or replace all of or components of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.  This includes H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act, which keeps the promise the President made: “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.”  I have also cosponsored legislation to repeal the medical device tax in Obamacare, which will raise the cost of devices like pacemakers and hamper medical innovation. 
  • I introduced H.R. 2010, the Live by the Laws You Write Act, which closes a congressional loophole in the law to require all Members of Congress and their staffs – including committee staff and leadership staff in the House and Senate – to enroll in the healthcare exchanges.  If Congress is going to apply a law to the American people, no Members of Congress or their staffs should be exempt. 
  • I cosponsored H.R. 565, the Cardiomyopathy HEARTS (Health Education, Awareness, Risk Assessment, and Training in the Schools) Act.  This legislation helps identify children at risk of sudden cardiac arrest and prevent unnecessary, premature deaths.  The Cardiomyopathy HEARTS Act aims to raise awareness of cardiomyopathy and the risk of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) among school personnel, parents and students.
  • I cosponsored H.R. 647, the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act.  The ABLE Act would amend the tax code to create tax-free savings accounts for individuals with disabilities. I cosponsored this bill to ease the financial strains faced by individuals with disabilities by making tax-free savings accounts available to cover qualified expenses such as education, housing, and transportation.

More on Healthcare

Dec 5, 2014 Press Release
Aug 7, 2014 Editorial

America’s freedom is only possible because of the sacrifice and bravery of our veterans and servicemen and women. However, recent reports of gross mismanagement and falsified data records at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), coupled with an utter lack of accountability at the agency, denies our heroes the care they have more than earned.

This is unconscionable and completely unacceptable.

Jul 29, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Andy Barr welcomed the support of Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) who signed on as a cosponsor his legislation, H.R. 3775, the bipartisan Karen Tufts Military Sexual Assault Victims Empowerment Act, or the Military SAVE Act.  As a member of the Military Sexual Assault Prevention Caucus, Congresswoman Sinema has been an advocate for survivors of military sexual assault and ensuring access to care for our veterans. 

Jul 24, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Andy Barr welcomed the support of Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) who signed on as a cosponsor his legislation, H.R. 3775, the bipartisan Karen Tufts Military Sexual Assault Victims Empowerment Act, or the Military SAVE Act.  As a member of the Hawaii Army National Guard, Congresswoman Gabbard served two tours of combat duty in the Middle East and has been a strong advocate for military justice reform on behalf of survivors of sexual assault.

Jun 30, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Barr released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling that some employers will not be required under the Affordable Care Act to provide insurance coverage for certain drugs and devices that are contrary to their religious or moral beliefs.

Jun 10, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON - Congressman Andy Barr praised the passage of the Veterans Access to Care Act of 2014, saying:

May 22, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Barr voted today to enforce new accountability standards for the Department of Veterans Affairs, saying:

“America’s freedom is only possible because of the sacrifice and bravery of our veterans.  However, recent reports of gross mismanagement and falsified data records at the VA, coupled with an utter lack of accountability at the agency, denies our heroes the care they have more than earned.

"This is unconscionable and completely unacceptable.

Apr 9, 2014 Video

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014, Congressman Andy Barr had the opportunity to testify before the House Armed Services Committee in support of Kentucky's Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve components, as well as Kentucky veterans to help ensure they receive the equipment and support they deserve.

Apr 2, 2014 Video

On April 1, 2014, Congressman Andy Barr spoke on the House floor about his support for H.R. 2575, the Save American Worker Act. 

Mar 12, 2014 Video
Congressman Andy Barr spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of The Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act:
Today, the House has the chance to more permanently establish in law a provision that firefighters across Kentucky’s Sixth District have told me is vital to their ability to continue protecting our communities.