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Congressman Andy Barr

Representing All the People of Kentucky's Sixth District


Wind turbine and blue sky


Kentucky’s Sixth District abounds with agricultural blessings. From our signature Equine and Bourbon industries to the variety of crops that are produced all across the state, many Kentuckians’ livelihoods are influenced by agriculture. That’s why I have a proven record of agricultural support, including advocating for tobacco farmers, coal production, and even bidding to bring the World Equestrian Games to Lexington for the second time. I hope that you will join me in these pursuits and consider joining my Sixth District Agriculture Coalition as we promote agricultural awareness throughout the community.
United Nations flags


Since our nation’s birth, Americans have taken pride in the United States as a land of opportunity – a place where any individual willing to work hard has the opportunity to succeed and achieve the American Dream. Throughout the years, our country has enjoyed the benefits of a lawful and organized immigration system.
Military Save Act

The Bipartisan Karen Tufts Military SAVE Act

The crisis of sexual assault in the military was brought to my attention in a much more personal and meaningful way when a constituent survivor came to my office to tell me her story. While there is clearly much to be done to address the prevention of these assaults, there is an immediate need to change the system so we can help military sexual trauma survivors who are trying to get the care they need. That is why I authored and introduced H.R. 3775, the bipartisan Karen Tufts Military Sexual Assault Victims Empowerment Act, also known as the Military SAVE Act, which would empower survivors of military sexual trauma to select their own care providers and provide the support these brave service members have earned.

Constituent Services

As your Congressman, I am committed to listening to your viewpoints and working together to find solutions for the problems that face our communities, state and nation. That's why I am dedicated to being as accessible and available to listen to you as much as possible.

Defense and National Security

Cited in both the Preamble and Article I of the Constitution, one of Congress’s fundamental responsibilities is to “provide for the common defense.” The 21st Century brings with it new conventional and unconventional threats to our national security, ranging from traditional military rivals to international terrorism to cyber-attack, and everything in between. As a Member of Congress, I am dedicated to ensuring our military’s readiness and providing our men and women in uniform with the resources they need to defend the United States of America.


One of my highest priorities as a legislator is securing a better world for my two young daughters and all future generations. Through education, we can prepare our most precious resource - our children - for a life of prosperity. As our district is the proud home to multiple universities, including the University of Kentucky and Eastern Kentucky University, I will continue working to promote greater educational opportunity and give students all across this country greater certainty as they enter the workforce and look for jobs.


I believe that the United States needs a real “all of the above” energy strategy – one that engages our domestic energy industries as partners in an all-out effort to create jobs, lower electricity and gas prices, and secure American energy independence. This strategy must set a rational course toward sustainable and renewable energy by employing today’s proven resources as a bridge to the technologies of the future. But it must prioritize energy freedom and diversity that embraces the life-improving power of fossil fuels.
Congressman Barr During a FSC Hearing

Financial Services Committee

My seat on the House Financial Services Committee provides central and eastern Kentuckians with a voice to champion the important role of community financial institutions. I am focused on improving the regulatory environment that threatens our community financial institutions and limits Kentuckians’ access to responsible credit.
Congressman Barr joins Lithuanian Ambassador Žygimantas Pavilionis and members of his delegation.

Foreign Policy

As the world’s largest economy and sole remaining superpower, the United States continues to have a unique role in shaping global affairs. In the House of Representatives, I am working to ensure our foreign policy advances America’s security interests, supports our allies, increases economic opportunity through trade, and holds hostile and aggressive regimes accountable.
Congressman Barr Speaks With Anesthesiologists


I have worked in Congress to protect the American people from the consequences of Obamacare by voting to repeal the law and replace it with patient-centered reforms that will lower costs without growing government. Expanding access to affordable, quality care without putting bureaucrats between patients and doctors has been a top priority of mine for the 113th Congress.


Providing for the nation’s infrastructure is a power given to Congress in Article I of the Constitution. From the roads and bridges we drive, to the water we drink, to the locks, dams, and ports that transport the goods and commerce we rely on, infrastructure projects impact our lives on a daily basis. In Congress, I am working to find new and innovative ways to finance infrastructure projects in a way that protects the taxpayer. I am also working to provide greater transparency and accountability of the federal agencies in charge of updating our aging infrastructure, while preventing waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars and protect future generations from being burdened with crippling debt.


My primary focus in Congress is economic growth and job creation. While the Great Recession was the most severe economic downturn since World War II, far too many Americans – including residents of central and eastern Kentucky –still feel like their economic opportunities are limited, despite the modest economic recovery. The federal government currently imposes too many obstacles to job creation and wage growth, and years of the federal government piling on additional regulations and bureaucratic red tape have not helped. Washington must stop being a hindrance and allow the American economy – the greatest engine of prosperity the world has ever known – to put people back to work.


Between Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and countless rulemakings by federal agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, we have seen an unprecedented onslaught of federal regulations and red tape over the last five years that is burying American businesses in paperwork, driving up costs, and constraining job creation. In 2013 alone, 80,330 pages were added to the Federal Register, the digest of all federal regulations, in order to describe the 3,659 new rules. That’s roughly ten new regulations per day. This avalanche of new rules has real costs – U.S. households are estimated to pay more than $14,700 annually in hidden “regulatory taxes” that drive up the costs of goods, services, housing, transportation, energy, and other sectors of the economy. That’s bad for American families and our country’s long-term growth, which I why I’m working in Congress to bring vital reforms to our regulatory system.

Second Amendment

I believe that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms. Responsible gun ownership constitutes a vital part of our nation’s heritage, and remains central to Americans’ ability to defend themselves and their families.
Congressman Barr meets with Kentucky Seniors


My top priorities are getting Kentuckians back to work and restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington. Achieving these two goals will enable the government to keep its promise of retirement security for current retirees and future generations.

Social Policy

As a strongly pro-life father of two young girls, I consider protecting the unborn and the most vulnerable among us as one of my greatest responsibilities as a parent and legislator. In Congress, I maintain a pro-life legislative agenda that aims to enact laws protecting innocent human life and mothers.

Spending and Debt

I understand that Washington has a spending problem that only gets worse the longer we delay honestly confronting it. Rather than enact tax increases as a way to finance unprecedented levels of government spending, I believe that we must focus on living within a budget and setting our funding priorities.

Veterans and Service Members

In effort to best represent our service members and veterans, I have joined a number of caucuses in Congress. Currently, I am a proud member of the National Guard and Reserves Components Caucus, the USO Congressional Caucus, and the National Guard Youth Challenge Caucus. My participation in these caucuses will help me stay actively engaged in the important issues facing our service members.


If we want to maintain the most vibrant, dynamic economy in the world, it is essential that we combine a pro-growth approach to tax reform with the capacity to control government spending. Otherwise, we face a future where our massive debt obligations and dramatically higher taxes will limit the potential of the American people.

Term Limits

Congressman Andy Barr has introduced House Joint Resolution 26; a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that would cap at 12 the number of consecutive years which members of the House and the Senate could serve in office.