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Congressman Andy Barr

Representing All the People of Kentucky's Sixth District

Constituent Services

As your Congressman, I am committed to listening to your viewpoints and working together to find solutions for the problems that face our communities, state and nation.  That's why I am dedicated to being as accessible and available to listen to you as much as possible.  Congressman Barr Hosts a "Coffee with your Congressman" event in Bath County.

Traveling Office Hours:

To better serve the people of central and eastern Kentucky, my staff conducts traveling office hours in every county of the Sixth Congressional District each month.  This is a responsible, inexpensive way for constituents to voice their opinion on legislative issues or seek assistance with federal agencies.  During these office hours, my staff will be available to provide assistance to constituents on a variety of services and issues, including Medicare, Veterans Affairs, Social Security, Internal Revenue Service issues, and matters regarding federal legislation.

"Meet Your Congressman" Events:

I have held several "Meet your Congressman" events across the Sixth District since being sworn into office.  These events are casual, come-and-go opportunities for constituents where I am able to visit with folks in a more informal and direct setting than the typical town hall.  I encourage people to stop by these events to share their thoughts on legislation, to get help with federal agencies, or to just chat.

The Sixth District Report Enewsletter:

Each Sunday, I send out my e-newsletter called the "Sixth District Report."  It contains short the most recent happenings in my office and from around the district, and is a great way for constituents to stay up-to-date on a range of information on issues and events.  I will also occasionally ask for your feedback on what matters most to you or remind you about an upcoming event in your area.

Social Media:

I am very active on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and encourage you to engage with me there.  By joining my online community, you’ll be among the first to receive updates on issues that impact the Sixth District and learn about events I am hosting in your neighborhood. 



More on Constituent Services

Dec 5, 2014 Press Release
Sep 18, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (KY), joined Representatives Ed Whitfield (KY-01) and Andy Barr (KY-06) today in meeting with Postmaster General Patick Donahoe to discuss important postal issues related the consolidation of the mail processing facilities in Lexington and Paducah, and other pressing concerns the impact of their consolidation will have on Kentucky jobs, and postal service standards.

Sep 17, 2014 Press Release

On September 17, 2014, the National Federation of Independent Business, an advocacy association which gives small-business owners on Main Street a voice in public policy-making, announced that they have named Congressman Barr a "Guardian of Small Business" for his outstanding voting record on behalf of America’s small-business owners in the 113th Congress.

Congressman Andy Barr made the following statement upon being recognized:

Sep 17, 2014 Video

On September 17, 2014, Congressman Andy Barr spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to honor the career of Mr. James C. Russell, Master Distiller at the Wild Turkey Distillery in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, and to mark the event of his 60th year in the industry.



Aug 28, 2014 Photo Gallery
Aug 26, 2014 Page

The Office of Congressman Andy Barr is seeking high school juniors and seniors to apply for the Sixth Congressional District’s new Youth Ambassador Program. The Youth Ambassador Program is a non-partisan, educational experience designed for high school students that provides a unique opportunity to learn about leadership from leaders across Kentucky while serving as an ambassador for their school. 

Aug 26, 2014 Press Release

LEXINGTON – Congressman Andy Barr announced today that his office will host a Military Academy Day for Sixth District students interested in applying to one of the nation’s service academies.  The event will be held on Saturday, September 13th at the Aviation Museum of Kentucky from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, with registration beginning at 9:30 AM.

Aug 7, 2014 Editorial

America’s freedom is only possible because of the sacrifice and bravery of our veterans and servicemen and women. However, recent reports of gross mismanagement and falsified data records at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), coupled with an utter lack of accountability at the agency, denies our heroes the care they have more than earned.

This is unconscionable and completely unacceptable.

Aug 1, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Andy Barr released the following statement tonight after acting to address the border crisis:
