
May 21, 2014
2322 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Energy and Power held a hearing on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing focused on H.R. __, the “Promoting New Manufacturing Act.”

May 21, 2014
2123 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, at 10:15 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing was titled “Keeping the Promise: Site of Service Medicare Payment Reforms.”

May 20, 2014
2322 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing was titled “21st Century Cures:  The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Report on Drug Innovation.”  

May 20, 2014
2123 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a hearing on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at 10:30 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing was titled “Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission.”

May 7, 2014
2322 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Energy and Power held a hearing on Wednesday, May 7, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing was titled “The NRC FY 2015 Budget and Policy Issues.”

May 7, 2014
2123 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing Wednesday, May 7, 2014, at 10:15 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing was titled “PPACA Enrollment and the Insurance Industry.”

May 1, 2014
2123 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on Thursday, May 1, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing was titled “Telehealth to Digital Medicine: How 21st Century Technology Can Benefit Patients.”

Apr 29, 2014
2322 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing was titled “Examining the Growing Problems of Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse.”

Apr 29, 2014
2123 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy held a hearing on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, at 10:15 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing focused on the revised discussion draft of the "Chemicals in Commerce Act.” 

Apr 8, 2014
2322 Rayburn House Office Building

The Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, at 10:15 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.  The hearing is entitled “Examining the Implementation of the Tobacco Control Act.”  At this hearing, the Subcommittee reviewed a bill introduced by Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY), H.R. 389, the Transparency in Tobacco User Fees Act of 2013.