
Coble to host Open House in High Point today

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Washington, Dec 4 | Ed McDonald (202-225-7133) | comments

(Greensboro)----As the final days in office for U.S. Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC) draw near, he is hosting Open Houses in his district offices for constituents to stop by and say goodbye one last time. There is an Open House at his High Point office today, December 4. The Open House will be from 1:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.  The High Point office is located at 1634 North Main Street, Suite 101. Rep. Coble said he will conduct an Open House in his Greensboro office on December 12 from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm.

Congressman Coble has represented the Sixth District since January 1985.  He announced last year that he would not seek a 16th term in office.

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