McIntyre Monthly Column - Camp David Accords Are A Blueprint to Resolve Government Shutdown

The Word on Washington, October 2013

Dear Mr. President and Congressional Leadership:

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success.”  Now, more than ever, our nation’s leaders must heed these great words, sit down together, and do whatever it takes to break the deadlock of our great nation and government.  It is in this spirit that I write to you today to propose an opportunity to solve the current standoff.

In September of 1978, President Jimmy Carter convened a summit at Camp David between Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat whose countries had been at war for 31 years. Over the course of two weeks, these leaders removed themselves from their warring countries, rolled up their sleeves, and brokered the first-ever peace agreement between Israel and an Arab nation.
Today, during a time of unprecedented partisan gridlock, we can all learn from history and forge a grand compromise once again. Using the Camp David Accords as a guide, I propose that the White House and Congressional Leadership immediately convene an intensive summit at the White House or Camp David and remain on site until a bi-partisan solution to re-open the government is reached.

The American people expect their elected officials to work together to strike a bi-partisan deal to keep the government running! It’s time for everyone to step away from the news cameras, political noise, and partisan rhetoric in order to reach a real compromise!

The country's well-being must supersede politics. Dueling talking points, political posturing, and partisan squabbling between the two parties are not getting us anywhere and certainly not leading to solutions. I encourage you, the leaders of our Executive and Legislative branch, to work together to find a pathway forward - whatever it takes - because a solution must be found! The cycle of governing by crisis needs to stop, and we all have a shared responsibility to find solutions that work for the betterment of our great nation.

The President and leaders of Congress should convene at the White House or Camp David in order to end this government shutdown. I urge you to leave the partisan politics at the door, sit down at the table and stay there till a deal is brokered!  We need a solution to get this government back and working – not as a Democratic one, not as a Republican one, not as an Independent one – but, rather, as an American one.