April 28, 2014

Keeping in Touch

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Grassley Direct

Last week I spoke with Anelia Dimitrova of the Waverly Democrat and Bremer Co. Independent about farm season preparations, honor flights, RAGBRAI, IRS fraud and identity theft, and Ukraine.
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Q&A on Cow Gas

In March the White House issued plans to reduce greenhouse gases. Specifically, the Climate Action Plan targeted methane emissions produced on federal lands by the oil and gas industry and in U.S. landfills by rotting waste. Scientists say too much methane traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere that can lead to global warming. The President’s climate initiative also zeroed in on the gasses (methane) released by the nation’s dairy herd.
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Helping Iowans Break Through Bureaucratic Inertia

During the recent two-week break in the congressional calendar, I continued my 2014 road trip across Iowa in April, visiting with Iowans in schools and on-the-job in their hometown communities. For the last 34 years, I have held meetings with Iowans in every county, every year. Keeping in touch with constituents is a fundamental part of my job representing Iowans in the U.S. Senate. Getting an earful from “we the people” helps me identify ways government can do a better job serving the people. I want Iowans to bend my ear, so that I can be their voice in Washington... Read more

Congolese Adoption Limbo Needs Resolution

Several Iowa families and hundreds more across the country are facing a problem in completing their adoption of children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Congolese government unexpectedly suspended the exit permits needed to finalize pending adoptions, leaving many children and adoptive families in limbo.  The families went through the proper channels, then faced an unexpected decision from the Congolese government... Read more

A Reward for Misconduct

Imagine getting in trouble at work for misusing your office credit card or cheating on your timesheet. Would you expect a financial bonus or extra time off? At most workplaces, no. You’d count yourself lucky to keep your job. At the IRS, yes. You might receive an award despite misconduct and despite not paying your taxes, in violation of the federal law your agency exists to enforce. The IRS’ independent watchdog found in a recent report that “between October 1, 2010, and December 31, 2012, more than 2,800 employees with recent substantiated conduct issues resulting in disciplinary action received more than $2.8 million in monetary awards and more than 27,000 hours in time-off awards... Read more

Seeking Answers on Asylum Policies

Last week, I sent a letter with the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee to the Department of Homeland Security asking for more information about a foreign national who, before his recent arrest, the FBI alleges was planning a bomb attack on a school and a federal building. According to the FBI, El Medhi Semlali Fathi came to the United States on a student visa, but his visa was terminated after he failed to attend classes. Allegedly, Fathi was subsequently arrested on trespassing charges, when he was transferred to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement personnel... Read more

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