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Representative Jeff Denham

Representing the 10th District of California



California is number one in the nation in agricultural revenue. California farms produce nearly half of U.S. grown fruit, nuts and vegetables.

Defense and National Security

The issues of Defense and National Security are important to our district and to my work in Congress. Since September 11, 2001, the United States has led a coalition of nations in the global War on Terror.

Economy and Jobs

The issues of Economy and Jobs are important to our district and to my work in Congress. Ultimately, as long as entrepreneurs remain skeptical about the future business environment, job creation will remain low and unemployment high


The issue of Education is important to our district and to my work in Congress. We must work to restore independence and flexibility to State and local governments when educating our children.


The issue of Energy is important to our district and to my work in Congress. I have voted several times to remove roadblocks to allow for the approval and construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline energy project.

Financial Services

Financial Services issues affect us all and how they are dealt with is important to my work in Congress. We must find solutions that limit the regulatory burdens faced by small businesses, which means allowing for flexibility and clarity in the market place.

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs issues impact all of us and are important to my work in Congress. We must act swiftly yet deliberately to strengthen free trade agreements with our allies across the world.

Government Waste

CPRA: A common-sense solution to government spending and waste. One of the great truths about the American people is that we are practical thinkers.


Health issues affect us all and determining the best means of addressing them is an important part of my work in Congress. I am deeply concerned that the Affordable Care Act is increasing health insurance premiums in California as well as causing hundreds of thousands of our state citizens to lose the health plans that they have enjoyed for years.


I believe our immigration system is broken and in need of real and effective reform. I support providing an earned path to citizenship for those who want it.

Spending Cuts and Debt

Spending Cuts and Debt affect us all and dealing with these issues are important to my work in Congress. We still have work to do, since budget deficits are projected to rise sharply over coming decades as entitlement spending grows.

Tax Reform

The issue of Tax Reform affects all of us and dealing with it is an important part of my work in Congress. As a result Individuals and businesses spend 6.1 billion hours per year on tax filings and $431.1 billion annually trying to comply with the tax code.


The issue of Transportation is important to our district and to my work in Congress. I requested assignment the Congressional committee responsible for transportation specifically so that I could stress the needs of the Central Valley here in Washington.


There are many veterans that live in our district and their issues are important to me and to my work in Congress. I am proud to have served my country in the United States Air Force, and I have tremendous respect for America’s military men and women who have consistently served our country with honor and valor.


I continue to work hard on increasing the amount of water we have in our reservoirs, making water move more freely to those in need and limiting the costs to its users.