Congressman Serrano on World AIDS Day

Dec 1, 2014 Issues: Civil Rights, Health, The Bronx

The Bronx, NY– Today, U.S. Congressman Jose E. Serrano released the following statement on World AIDS Day:

“On World AIDS Day, let us recommit ourselves to fighting and finding a cure for a disease that still claims too many lives every year.  Let’s also keep in our thoughts and prayers all the individuals who have lost the battle against HIV/AIDS or who are currently fighting this terrible disease. We must continue to educate ourselves and our communities to combat the spread of the virus and the stigma that is often associated with being HIV-positive.  We also must continue working to improve the quality of life for those living with HIV/AIDS and to find a cure.

“In New York, we have one of the highest rates of infection in the United States, with more than 100,000 people infected with the virus – more than 3 times the national average. A significant part of this population comes from low-income communities of color that lack adequate resources to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS.  We have to allocate more resources, both here in New York and abroad, towards increasing funding for HIV/AIDS outreach, education and testing.

“This is why in recent years, I have fought in Congress and made it a priority to increase the funding available for this type of programs. I have worked to successfully expand access to federal funding for syringe exchange programs by removing outdated bans on federal funding for these effective efforts. I have also worked to better fund the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program and housing programs to help HIV-positive homeless people.

“We also have to help developing countries, which need the support of the international community, to reduce the rate of infection through similar prevention efforts and to get on par with developed nations in terms of treatment available for infected individuals.

“World Aids Day serves as an opportunity to remember that we all have a role to play in these efforts –through advocacy and the support of legislation and policy in government, testing and sexual health awareness, financial support, the sharing useful knowledge and information with others, and fighting the fear and stigma that too often accompanies this disease.”

For more information on AIDS/HIV, or to find your nearest testing center, please call the New York City Department of Health at 311 or visit