
“The continuation of the Task Force represents a strong, ongoing commitment from the Budget Committee to keep looking for smart ways to save taxpayer dollars by improving how our government works. Our Task Force will pursue additional reforms that will reduce duplication, break down agency silos, build a more collaborative culture across government, and modernize how we use technology to improve transparency and accountability. This kind of oversight work typically does not generate a lot of headlines, but I look forward to working with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to find new ways to save taxpayer money.”

Chairman Mark Warner

Senator Warner was selected by then Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad to lead a bipartisan Task Force on Governmental Performance in October of 2009. The group continues to look at how the government measures the cost-effectiveness of federal agencies and programs. The goal is to boost efficiency and find cost savings for taxpayers. Chairman Conrad said he selected Senator Warner to serve as chairman of the task force based on his experience as a business leader and as the former governor of Virginia.

Task Force Progress:

• Since it's first meeting, the Task Force has discussed the influence of information technology in performance analysis, the use of data in promoting smarter government decision-making and the importance of modernizing the federal government's information technology systems.

• In addition to holding hearings, the Task Force contributed to the passage of the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 to make government more accountable, efficient and productive.

• Senator Warner invites the public to submit their ideas on how to improve government performance. Click here to share your suggestions.

 Senator Warner's Progress:

  • Senators Warner (D-VA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) co-sponsored the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA) which passed the Senate on a unanimous vote. This bipartisan legislation improves and expands federal fiscal accountability by requiring standardized reporting of federal spending to be more readily available to citizens and agencies. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-OH) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) are the House sponsors.

  • Senators Warner (D-VA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) introduced bipartisan legislation to establish, monitor, and improve customer service delivery across federal agencies.  The Government Customer Service Improvement Act would make the federal agency customer service process more transparent and efficient, increase accountability, and reduce the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) chronic backlogs in processing retirement benefits.
  • Senators Warner (D-VA) and Scott Brown (R-MA) introduced the Civilian Property Realignment Act, bipartisan legislation to sell excess federal real property that could save billions to support deficit reduction.  
  • Senators Warner (D-VA) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) introduced bipartisan legislation directing the U.S. Department of Transportation to partner with states and metropolitan areas to develop better performance-based standards to more accurately measure the effectiveness of transportation planning, funding and project management.
  • Senator Warner chaired a Senate Budget Committee Government Performance Task Force hearing to examine whether the United Kingdom’s recent regulatory reforms could provide lessons applicable to Congress’ current regulatory reform debate.
  • Senator Warner sponsored legislation to ensure that federal workers receive retroactive pay for the duration of a potential government shutdown.
  • Senators Warner (D-VA) and Coburn (R-OK) introduced a bipartisan amendment directing the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to find at least $5 billion in savings identified in a recent Government  Accountability Office (GAO) report on reducing government duplication.
  • Sen. Warner, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee’s bipartisan Task Force on Government Performance convened a hearing on duplicative and inefficient federal programs that included testimony from GAO Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, Center for American Progress president and former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, and former Bush Administration Associate OMB Director Robert Shea.
  • In January 2011, the President signed into law Senator Warner’s Government Performance and Results Modernization Act,  requiring federal agencies to identify their top priorities, publicly report results, and identify ineffective and overlapping programs for possible consolidation or elimination.
  • Senator Warner successfully added four amendments to the Food Safety Modernization Act.  The amendments will improve performance metrics and data and promote better coordination between the Departments of Agriculture and Homeland Security in inspecting food and reducing duplication of effort.
  • Senator Warner successfully amended the FY2011 Budget Resolution to require performance measurements for stimulus spending and health care reform, and cut funding for programs identified for elimination by the Office of Management and Budget.
  • In October 2009, Senator Warner held the first meeting of the Task Force and questioned President Obama's Chief Performance Office, Jeff Zients, on how the administration is tracking government performance.  
  • Since the panel's first meeting, Senator Warner invited the public to submit their ideas on how to improve government performance.  Click here to share your suggestions. 

Recent News on Government Performance

Here is what Senator Warner has been doing recently with the Senate Budget Committee's Task Force on Government Performance: 

December 2014
  • 12/03/14 -
    Senator Warner Discusses Opportunities to Improve Government Efficiency
    While passage of the DATA Act was a huge victory for those pushing to increase government performance, Senator Warner commented that the fight is far from over. “Over the next few years, it is important that we keep working together to make sure our bill is implemented fully and our shared vision is carried out,” Senator Warner said.
November 2014
July 2014
  • 07/03/14 -
    Senator Warner talks government accountability with the Va Coalition for Open Government
    Yesterday VCOG had the pleasure of hosting Sen. Mark Warner (D) for a discussion about open government. Warner, speaking to VCOG’s board and guests at the Library of Virginia, reviewed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA), which he co-sponsored with Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Rep. Elijjah Cummings (D-Maryland) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California).
June 2014
May 2014
  • 05/12/14 -
    Tracking every dollar
    There is one thing in Washington that everyone should be able to agree on, and that is we must improve how our government works. I’m happy to report the President has signed our bipartisan Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, or DATA Act into law.
April 2014
  • 04/14/14 -
    Winchester Star: Senate bill would allow taxpayers to track funds
    A bipartisan bill sponsored by Sens. Mark Warner, D-Va., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio, unanimously passed the Senate on Thursday. The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA) would call for all money spent by federal agencies to be traceable on a common website.
December 2013
  • 12/06/13 -
    Before Things Get Too Crazy
    Before the December holiday season gets into full swing, and as Congress returns for its last work period of the year, I wanted to provide you with a quick update on our recent efforts to strengthen Virginia’s economic recovery and improve Washington’s fiscal accountability to taxpayers.
September 2013
May 2013
  • 05/24/13 -
    Sens. Warner, Wyden Host 'Know Before You Go' Twitter Town Hall
    Sen. Warner hosted a Twitter town hall today, along with Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, to discuss the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act of 2013, which they have introduced along with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. The bipartisan legislation would make a wide range of vital comparative data about higher education programs available to prospective students and their families.
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