
Senator Warner is committed to working in a bipartisan way to address America’s unprecedented infrastructure challenges. Senator Warner believes that we must increase investment to reduce traffic congestion for Virginia commuters, boost worker efficiency, and help get U.S. manufactured goods and services to the world market, ensuring America’s global competitiveness in the 21st century. He has lead bipartisan efforts to introduce legislation to help close the widening infrastructure gap without adding a penny to our deficit. 

Senator Warner’s progress:

  • Senator Warner lead a bipartisan group of 10 Senators in introducing the BRIDGE Act, which will strengthen America’s investments in our outdated roads, bridges, ports, energy grid and broadband networks.  The BRIDGE Act creates a smart, targeted new tool to help states forge stronger partnerships to make overdue investments in our infrastructure. The BRIDGE Act will not add to the deficit, and is designed to quickly become self-financing.
  • In the wake of the train derailment and resulting fire in Lynchburg on April 30, 2014, Senators Warner and Kaine called for improved safety for rail shipments of crude oil and increased collaboration with local first responders. Following their letter, Senators Warner and Kaine applauded the Department of Transportation for their leadership in creating safer crude-by-rail transport, but highlighted areas in which proposed rules could be strengthened.  In addition, Senator Warner brought together more than 80 federal, state and local officials in Richmond to discuss ways to improve the safety of oil trains in June.

  • After hearing unacceptably long lines to go through customs at Dulles airport, Senator Warner demanded an explanation from the Department of Homeland Security. Following his complaint, Senator Warner was pleased to announce 40 additional customs officers at Dulles airport to process arriving international passengers and help alleviate long lines and congestion.


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