
Senator Warner firmly believes that we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil while investing in new technologies that reduce harmful emissions that contribute to climate change.  He favors an "all of the above," portfolio approach that employs solar, wind, bio-fuels, nuclear energy and next generation battery technologies. Senator Warner supports investment in research that focuses on using carbon capture technology so we can continue to use our domestic resources, such as coal, more responsibly.  The science surrounding climate change supports the need for dramatic changes in policy, and Senator Warner believes any comprehensive legislation to address this issue must be balanced with the need to keep our economy viable during this challenging time.

Senator Warner's Progress:

  • Senator Warner joined a bipartisan letter to the Environmental Protection Agency in support of a temporary waiver of the federal ethanol mandate to help Virginia’s agricultural community and consumers who have been hit hard by a dramatic rise in feed costs as a result of increased usage of corn-based ethanol.
  • Senator Warner cosponsored the Offshore Petroleum Expansion Now Act of 2012, which would expand American offshore energy production with a revised five-year leasing plan and provide revenue sharing to all participating coastal states. The bill provides an alternative to the Obama Administration’s proposed 2012-2017 offshore oil and gas leasing plan, which currently excludes Virginia.
  • Senator Warner, former Senator John Warner and Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus testified at a Senate Energy Committee hearing on military investments in alternative energy. The hearing was convened aboard the USS Kearsarge at Norfolk Naval Station and was the first Senate hearing aboard a Navy ship in more than 50 years.
  •  Senator Warner traveled to Waynesboro to view the largest thermal solar panel installation project in Virginia at the local YMCA.
  • Senator Warner released a statement strongly urging the Obama Administration to take another look at including Virginia in its five-year oil and gas leasing plan announced by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
  • Senator Warner praised the Obama Administration's plan to allow oil and gas exploration off the coast of Virginia.  He continues to work with his Senate colleagues to find appropriate revenue-sharing formulas between the federal and state governments.  

    Recent News on Energy & the Environment

    Here is what Senator Warner has been doing recently regarding energy and the environment:

    November 2014
    • 11/18/14 -
      Statement of Sen. Warner on Keystone XL Pipeline
      “I support construction of the Keystone pipeline. A State Department environmental review found the project will not significantly add to global warming, it will create jobs (though likely not as many as supporters claim), and it will allow the U.S. to increase its energy security."
    June 2014
    April 2014
    July 2013
    • 07/16/13 -
      Sen. Warner Talks Alternative Energy at Defense Production Act Hearing
      Today, Sen. Warner attended a Senate Banking Committee Hearing on oversight of the Defense Production Act. He used the opportunity to commend a Navy program that the Navy to invest in alternative energy in cases where it would cost less than traditional fuel sources
    June 2013
    May 2013
    February 2013
    • 02/07/13 -
      Energy 2030
      Today Senator Warner and a coalition of energy leaders unveiled a set of recommendations designed to double U.S. energy productivity by 2030. “Doubling our energy productivity will yield huge returns for our economy and increase our competitiveness,” said Senator Warner, who serves as co-chair of the Alliance to Save Energy with National Grid U.S. President Tom King.
    November 2012
    • 11/28/12 -
      Tweeting the #fiscalcliff
      Senator Warner held another Twitter town hall on Tuesday, fielding questions from constituents across the Commonwealth on issues as diverse as taxes, education and energy -- and even UVa’s football struggles during their 4-8 season.
    August 2012
    • 08/24/12 -
      Day Two: Buchanan, Bluefield, Dublin, Wytheville
      We kicked off day two of a three day swing around Southwest Virginia yesterday with a visit to Buchanan Mine #1 near the town of Oakwood. Senator Warner greeted miners before suiting up and heading down into the mine.
    • 08/22/12 -
      On the Road: Jonesville, Big Stone Gap and Grundy
      Senator Warner today began a three day trip through Southwest Virginia with a stop at the Lee County Chamber of Commerce in Jonesville. He spoke to about 85 people and answered questions relating to several of the issues he's done a lot of work on, including energy, education, and the fiscal cliff.
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