Congressman Mark Takano

Representing the 41st District of California

National Security

Securing our nation from foreign threats, including terrorism, must be a priority of Congress. It is critical that our military personnel have the equipment, resources, and support they need to protect this country.

Addressing Emerging Threats

As our troops return home from Afghanistan and Iraq, our military will need to adjust capabilities and develop new tactics to combat emerging threats. I believe we should move away from the construction of next-generation nuclear weapons, place a greater emphasis on diplomatic solutions, and enhance our leadership in multilateral institutions. With the continued presence of terrorist organizations, it is critical that our anti-terrorism efforts are strategic and effective.

March Air Reserve Base

With March Air Reserve Base, the largest Air Reserve Base in the country, located in my district, I‘ve see firsthand the hard work and dedication of our military men and women. Not only does March play an important role in our national security, but the base is the largest employer in my district and has a yearly economic impact of roughly $500 million on the region. In Congress, I will fight to ensure that our military men and women – like those at March – receive the support they deserve.

Work for Warriors

The Work for Warriors Program (WFW) was established by the State of California in 2012 with the mission of reducing unemployment in the California National Guard (CNG) by 25%.

In 2013, I founded the bipartisan Congressional Work for Warriors Caucus with my colleague Paul Cook (CA-08). The caucus will promote and increase awareness of California’s extremely successful Work for Warriors program, with the eventual goal of expanding the program in California and seeing it replicated in other states. Click here to read local press coverage on the formation of the Work for Warriors Caucus.

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