112th Congress Floor Speeches

Sep 5, 2012

New Jersey Can't Wait for Sandy Aid Funding (January 2013)


Congressman Pallone on the Fiscal Cliff (December 2012)


Rep. Pallone Calls for an Extension of Middle Class Tax Cuts (December 2012)


Rep. Pallone Updates on FEMA Response to Hurricane Sandy (November 2012)


Rep. Pallone thanks the NJ community for its generosity after Hurricane Sandy (November 2012)


Congressman Pallone urges the Do Nothing Republican Congress to get to work for the American Middle Class (September 2012)


Congressman Pallone criticizes Republican vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (July 2012)


Congressman Pallone applauds the Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act (June 2012)


Congressman Pallone calls on Congres to end the influence of secret money in elections (June 2012)


Congressman Pallone takes to the House floor to urge Congress to take meaningful action to prevent federal student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1, 2012 (May 2012)


Congressman Pallone on the need to improve long-term care services for seniors 


Congressman Pallone on the second anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (March 2012)