Congressman Thomas J. Rooney

Representing the 17th District of Florida

Homeland Security

soldier in silouhette

Congressman Rooney believes the federal government's first responsibility is to protect American citizens. As a member of the House Armed Services and Intelligence Committees, he is working to ensure that the American military, intelligence community, and law enforcement officials have the tools they need to keep the American people safe. 

Congressman Rooney supports enforcing immigration laws already on the books to secure American borders and crack down on illegal immigration.  He also supports the continued construction of the fence on the southwest border.  He recognizes the need for step-by-step, federal immigration reform, and supports the rights of states to address illegal immigration in their own communities given the federal government's failure to secure the border.

This Congress, Rooney introduced the Criminal Alien Removal Act, which would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to deport criminal aliens – illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes – upon their release from incarceration.  Although criminal aliens are eligible for deportation, ICE often fails to identify and transfer them before they are released. Under current law, if ICE is not present to transfer criminal aliens when their sentences end, officials must release them back onto the streets.  Rooney's bill would allow prison officials to hold criminal aliens after their sentences end to make sure they can be transferred into federal custody and removed from the United States.

Rooney strongly opposes efforts by the Administration to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.  He has introduced legislation requiring that enemy combatants receive military tribunals at the facility at Guantanamo Bay.  Rooney has visited the Guantanamo Bay base where he had the opportunity to meet directly with the soldiers stationed there and to tour the state of the art facilities to see where the detainees are held. Rooney was greatly impressed with the professionalism of the troops and their administration of the facility.