Congressman Thomas J. Rooney

Representing the 17th District of Florida

Health Care

stethoscope on a clipboard

Congressman Rooney supports patient-centered reforms to reduce health care costs and expand access to quality care.  He strongly opposes the new health care law signed by President Obama, and has cosponsored legislation to repeal the law and replace it with reforms to address rising costs.

Supporters of the President's law claimed that it would bring down costs and that patients could keep the plans they liked.  The reverse has proven to be true.  As a direct result of the new law, health insurance premiums are increasing at an even faster rate than they would have without the law.  Millions of American families – particularly those who work for small businesses – will lose access to the health insurance plans they have now, due to new mandates.

Congressman Rooney supports efforts to repeal the law and replace it with legislation that would bring down costs and expand health care coverage, like instituting medical liability reform.  He also supports allowing small businesses and families to pool their members across state lines and negotiate for the coverage they need at prices they can afford – just like larger businesses can already do. 

Rooney has led efforts in Congress to help prevent shortages of critical, life-saving drugs. He worked with Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) to pass legislation, now law, to give physicians, pharmacists and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) early notice of potential shortages, so they can work to prevent a shortage from occuring or mitigate its impact.

Rooney is a founder and Co-Chairman of the bipartisan Congressional Lupus Caucus, which provides a forum for Members of Congress to work toward improving quality of life for people with lupus and their caregivers by supporting the advancement of lupus research and increasing awareness of lupus among the public and health professionals.