Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for H.R. 527 - Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act

Summaries Derived from Information Provided by Sponsors

Listed in Alphabetical Order

Apr 24, 2013 2:24 PM

Click on sponsor for amendment text.

Bridenstine, Jim (OK)


Ensures that excess funds paid into the Treasury are used only for deficit & debt reduction and not for any other purpose.

Collins, Doug (GA), Austin, Scott (GA)


Ensures that excess funds are used to reduce the annual Federal budget deficit.

Dent (PA), Higgins (NY), Esty, Elizabeth (CT)


Seeks to ensure the continued supply of helium for end users while requiring the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to honor existing contracts for the supply and delivery of helium. Affirms that the federal government will honor existing contracts that are set to expire October 1, 2015.

Holt (NJ)


REVISED Considers the long-term future of the Federal Helium Reserve by requiring an assessment of how closing the Federal Helium Reserve could influence helium availability, including options for insuring a reliable helium supply in coming decades.

Austin, Scott (GA)


LATE WITHDRAWN Ensures that any receipts accumulated through H.R. 527 be used for deficit reduction

Thornberry (TX)


REVISED Affirms the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to allow private entities to connect to and store helium in the Federal Helium Reserve for an appropriate fee.