Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for H.R. 4899 - Lowering Gasoline Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act of 2014

Summaries Derived from Information Provided by Sponsors

Listed in Alphabetical Order

June 24, 2014 2:50 PM

Click on sponsor for amendment texts

Bishop, Rob (UT)


Prohibits the Secretary from canceling, deferring or withdrawing any lease previously announced to be auctioned based on public comments received by the Department after the public comment period has expired.

Blumenauer (OR)


LATE REVISED Requires companies holding leases, which allow them to drill on public lands off-shore without paying a royalty, to renegotiate those leases prior to bidding on new leases issued pursuant to Title I of this Act.

Capps (CA), Brownley (CA), Huffman (CA), Lowenthal (CA)


Ensures Section 10203, relating to oil and gas lease sales in the Southern California planning area, and Subtitle C of Title I, relating to OCS revenue sharing with coastal states, have no force or effect.

Capps (CA), Brownley (CA), Huffman (CA), Lowenthal (CA)


REVISED Requires the Secretary of Interior, in coordination with the Environmental Protection Agency, to conduct a study of the impacts of offshore oil and gas well stimulation activities on the marine environment.

Capps (CA), Brownley (CA), Huffman (CA), Lowenthal (CA)


Requires the Secretary of Interior to notify all relevant state and local regulatory agencies and publish a notice in the Federal Register, within 30 days after receiving any application for a permit that would allow the conduct of any offshore oil and gas well stimulation activities.

DeFazio (OR)


Authorizes $10 million of the revenue generated by the underlying bill for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to use existing authority to limit speculation in energy markets.

DelBene (WA)


REVISED Directs funding generated by the bill to be made available to improve the safety of the transportation of oil.

Deutch (FL), Bachus (AL)


Requires that any action involving a covered energy decision be brought in the United States district court for the district in which the Federal property for which a covered energy lease is issued is located. Strikes the option to file such an action in the District Court of the District of Columbia.

Deutch (FL)


Strikes the provision that an action involving a covered energy decision shall take precedence over all other pending matters before the district court.

Duffy (WI)


Allows the Propane Education and Resource Council to promote heating season propane shortage prevention.

Duncan (SC), Rigell (VA), Wittman (VA), Hudson (NC), Graves, Tom (GA), Ellmers (NC)


Directs the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to include Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia into an administrative planning area for offshore leasing purposes.

Grayson (FL)


LATE Requires that all new revenues resulting from the enactment of this Act be allocated among and paid to every state in direct proportion to their respective population.

Jackson Lee (TX)


Establishes an Office of Energy Employment and Training to ensure that veterans, women, and underrepresented minorities are fully included in the hiring and training efforts of the Department of the Interior’s energy planning, permitting, and regulatory agencies.

Lowenthal (CA), Capps (CA), Farr (CA), Holt (NJ), Honda (CA), Huffman (CA), Langevin (RI), Peters, Scott (CA), Pingree (ME), Shea-Porter (NH), Lee, Barbara (CA)


Strikes section 10410 which prohibits BOEM and BSEE from coordinating coastal and marine spatial planning under the National Ocean Policy.

Lowenthal (CA), Grijalva (AZ)


Requires certain oil and gas NEPA Categorical Exclusions to be checked for Extraordinary Circumstances (such as a violation of State, Local, or Tribal law) before they are approved.

Sanford (SC)


Extends State jurisdiction over submerged lands and to allow States to grant oil and natural gas leases in the extended area. The extension will cover 12 nautical miles from the coastline, which repeals the current law of 3 geographical miles.

Welch (VT), Engel (NY)


REVISED Provides that the Secretary of the Interior may not issue a lease to an oil or gas company unless the company elects to not claim any deduction or credit for losses associated with a future spill unless the company has satisfied criteria that include paying for all cleanup costs and damages associated with that spill, and having a strong safety record for the five years preceding a future spill.

Wittman (VA)


Fosters STEM education in the South Atlantic states by allowing colleges, universities and historically black colleges and universities (with a preference to military veteran serving institutions of higher education) to partner with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to train the next generation of geological and geophysical scientists to better understand the oil, gas and other hydrocarbon potential of the offshore South Atlantic.

Wittman (VA), Duncan (SC)


Grants the Secretary of the Interior the ability to add a lease sale area to a finalized 5 year plan, as long as all of the National Environmental Policy Act requirements have been met on that specific area within the last 5 years.