Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for H.R. 4718 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify and make permanent bonus depreciation.

Summaries Derived from Information Provided by Sponsors

Listed in Alphabetical Order

July 8, 2014 12:33 PM

Click on sponsor for amendment texts

Camp (MI)


Excludes from the Statutory PAYGO scorecards the budgetary impacts of permanently extending current tax policy, which ensures that permanent enactment of current tax policy will not trigger a sequester under Statutory PAYGO.

Grayson (FL)


Requires any person attempting to claim a deduction on, or credit for, property purchased and placed in service for business purposes (pursuant to this bill) to certify that the property would not have been acquired or placed in service without the tax benefits provided by this bill.