Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for H.R. 2641 - RAPID Act

Summaries Derived from Information Provided by Sponsors

Listed in Alphabetical Order

March 4, 2014 11:45 AM

Click on sponsor for amendment text.

Jackson Lee (TX)


Strikes deemed approved language for any project for which an agency does not meet the deadlines contained in the bill.

Johnson, Hank (GA)


To clarify that nothing in the bill will change or limit any law or regulation allowing for public comment or participation in an agency decision making process.

McKinley (WV)


LATE Does not allow agencies under this legislation to take into account the “social cost of carbon” from the “Technical Support Document: Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Executive Order 12866 from May 2013 or November 2013.

Nadler (NY)


Exempts from the bill any construction project for a nuclear facility planned in an area designated as an earthquake fault zone.

Webster (FL), Rigell (VA)


Provides for projects that are under environmental review at the time of enactment to be completed within the deadlines that the underlying bill outlines.