Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for H.R. 1613 - Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act

Summaries Derived from Information Provided by Sponsors

Listed in Alphabetical Order

Jun 25, 2013 6:00 PM

Click on sponsor for amendment text.

Broun (GA)


Provides that all claims arising from projects taking place due to the underlying bill be filed within 60 days and resolved within 180 days. Places restrictions on appeals and institute a “loser pays” requirement on individuals or entities filing suit, except in specified circumstances.

Grayson (FL)


Ensures that no portion of this legislation is construed as affecting the right of any state to prohibit the management, leasing, developing, and use of lands (including offshore oil drilling) beneath navigable waters within its boundaries.

Grijalva (AZ), Waters (CA), Cleaver (MO)


WITHDRAWN Strikes section of the bill that creates an exemption from a provision of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform Act requiring companies to disclose to the Securities and Exchange Commission any payments to governments that they make in connection with a natural resource extraction project.

Israel (NY)


Requires a report by the Secretary of State before implementation of the agreement with Mexico describing terrorist activities, including Iran and Hezbollah, in Mexico and steps the U.S. and Mexico are taking to combat these activities.

Richmond (LA)


WITHDRAWN Brings the new leasing area created by this bill into conformity with existing revenue sharing law that applies to surrounding leases by sharing 37.5% of qualified oil and gas revenues with Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama beginning in 2024.