Congressional Record
110th Congress (2007-2008)

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Daily Digest - Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Daily Digest

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Chamber Action

Routine Proceedings, pages S13273-S13390

Measures Introduced: Seven bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S. 2222-2228, and S. Res. 355.

Page S13365

Measures Reported:

S. 1492, to improve the quality of federal and state data regarding the availability and quality of broadband services and to promote the deployment of affordable broadband services to all parts of the Nation, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 110-204)
S. 2223, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide additional tax incentives to promote habitat conservation and restoration. (S. Rept. No. 110-205)

Page S13362

Measures Passed:

District of Columbia Disabled Veterans Memorial: Senate passed H.R. 995, to amend Public Law 106-348 to extend the authorization for establishing a memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs to honor veterans who became disabled while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, clearing the measure for the President.

Page S13389

Measures Considered:

DREAM Act: Senate resumed consideration of the motion to proceed to the consideration of S. 2205, to authorize the cancellation of removal and adjustment of status of certain alien students who are long-term United States residents and who entered the United States as children.

Pages S13300-06

During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action:
By 52 yeas to 44 nays (Vote No. 394), three-fifths of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, not having voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill.
Page S13306

Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act: Senate began consideration of S. 294, to reauthorize Amtrak, agreeing to the committee amendments, which will be considered as original text for purpose of further amendment, and taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto:

Pages S13323-54

Lautenberg Amendment No. 3451, of a perfecting nature. (By unanimous consent, the amendment will be considered as original text for the purpose of further amendment.)
Pages S13346-48

Sununu Amendment No. 3452, to amend the Internet Tax Freedom Act to make permanent the moratorium on certain taxes relating to the Internet and to electronic commerce.
Pages S13349-51

Sununu Amendment No. 3453, to prohibit Federal subsidies in excess of specified amounts on any Amtrak train route.
Pages S13351-53

Lautenberg (for Carper) Amendment No. 3454 (to Amendment No. 3452), of a perfecting nature.
Pages S13353-54

A motion was entered to close further debate on Sununu Amendment No. 3452 (listed above), and, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a vote on cloture will occur on Friday, October 26, 2007.
Page S13350

A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that the bill, as amended, be considered as original text for the purpose of further amendments.
Page S13348

A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing for further consideration of the bill at approximately 10:30 a.m., on Thursday, October 25, 2007, provided that there be 2 hours of debate prior to a vote on or in relation to Sununu Amendment No. 3453 (listed above), with the time equally divided and controlled between Senators Lautenberg and Sununu, or their designees; that no amendments be in order to the amendment prior to the vote; provided further, that upon the use or yielding back of time, Senate vote on or in relation to Sununu Amendment No. 3453.
Pages S13353, S13390

Message from the President: Senate received the following message from the President of the United States:
Transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on the continuation of the national emergency declared in D1413Executive Order 13413 with respect to blocking the property of persons contributing to the conflict taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; which was referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (PM-30)

Page S13360

Southwick Nomination: Senate continued consideration of the nomination of Leslie Southwick, of Mississippi, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit.
During consideration of this nomination today, Senate also took the following action:

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By 62 yeas to 35 nays (Vote No. 392), three-fifths of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, having voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed to the motion to close further debate on the nomination.

Pages S13273-S13300

Nomination Confirmed: Senate confirmed the following nomination:
By 59 yeas 38 nays (Vote No. EX. 393), Leslie Southwick, of Mississippi, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit.

Pages S13300, S13390

Messages from the House:

Pages S13360-61

Measures Referred:

Page S13361

Measures Placed on the Calendar:

Page S13361

Measures Read the First Time:

Page S13361

Executive Communications:

Pages S13361-62

Executive Reports of Committees:

Pages S13362-65

Additional Cosponsors:

Pages S13365-66

Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:

Pages S13366-67

Additional Statements:

Pages S13358-60

Amendments Submitted:

Pages S13367-69

Authorities for Committees to Meet:

Pages S13369-70

Text of H.R. 3043, as Previously Passed:

Pages S13370-89

Record Votes: Three record votes were taken today. (Total--394)

Pages S13300, S13306

Adjournment: Senate convened at 9 a.m. and adjourned at 7:45 p.m., until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 25, 2007. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page S13390.)

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Committee began markup of the 2007 Farm Bill, but did not complete action thereon, and will meet again on Thursday, October 25, 2007.


Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment concluded a hearing to examine international accounting standards, focusing on opportunities, challenges, and global convergence issues, after receiving testimony from Conrad W. Hewitt, Chief Accountant, and John W. White, Director, Division of Corporation Finance, both of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; David Tweedie, International Accounting Standards Board, London, United Kingdom; Robert H. Herz, Financial Accounting Standards Board, Norwalk, Connecticut; Charles E. Landes, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and Lynn E. Turner, Glass Lewis and Company, both of New York, New York; Jack T. Ciesielski, R.G. Associates, Inc., Folsom, California; and Teri Lombardi Yohn, Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Bloomington.


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the important communication and broadcasting policy issues surrounding the future of the radio industry, including S. 1675, to implement the recommendations of the Federal Communications Commission report to the Congress regarding low-power FM service, after receiving testimony from Mac McCaughan, Merge Records, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; W. Russell Withers, Jr., Withers Broadcasting Companies, Mt. Vernon, Illinois, on behalf of the National Association of Broadcasters; S. Derek Turner, Free Press, on behalf of the Consumers Union, and the Consumer Federation of America, and Dana Davis Rehm, National Public Radio (NPR), both of Washington, DC; and Carol Pierson, National Federation of Community Broadcasters (NFCB), and Tim Westergren, Pandora Media, on behalf of the Digital Media Association, both of Oakland, California.


Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife Protection concluded a hearing to examine S. 2191, to direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases, after receiving testimony from Kevin Anton, Alcoa, Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee; Frances Beinecke, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), New York, New York; William R. Moomaw, Tufts University Fletcher School Center D1414for International Environment and Resource Policy, Medford, Massachusetts; Will Roehm, Montana Grain Growers Association, Great Falls; and Paul N. Cicio, Industrial Energy Consumers of America, Washington, DC

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Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on African Affairs concluded a hearing to examine the United States role in consolidating peace and democracy in the African Great Lakes region, after receiving testimony from Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Katherine J. Almquist, Assistant Administrator for Africa, United States Agency for International Development; and Gayle E. Smith, Center for American Progress, Kevin Fitzcharles, CARE Uganda, and Mauro De Lorenzo, American Enterprise Institute, all of Washington, DC.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee ordered favorably reported the nominations of Henrietta Holsman Fore, of Nevada, to be Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, Robin Renee Sanders, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Barry Leon Wells, of Ohio, to be Ambassador to the Republic of The Gambia, Mark M. Boulware, of Texas, to be Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, James D. McGee, of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe, Ronald K. McMullen, of Iowa, to be Ambassador to the State of Eritrea, P. Robert Fannin, of Arizona, to be Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Christopher Egan, of Massachusetts, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with the rank of Ambassador, Louis John Nigro, Jr., of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Chad, David T. Johnson, of Georgia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs), Paul E. Simons, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Chile, Gail Dennise Mathieu, of New Jersey, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Namibia, Dan Mozena, of Iowa, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Angola, Eunice S. Reddick, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Gabonese Republic, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Daniel V. Speckhard, of Wisconsin, to be Ambassador to Greece, Thomas F. Stephenson, of California, to be Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic, Vincent Obsitnik, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Slovak Republic, William H. Frist, of Tennessee, and Kenneth Francis Hackett, of Maryland, both to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, George E. Pataki, of New York, to be a Representative of the United States of America to the Sixty-second Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and Kelly G. Knight, of Kentucky, and Rodger D. Young, of Michigan, both to be an Alternate Representative of the United States of America to the Sixty-second Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to examine issues relative to the global fight against HIV/AIDS, after receiving testimony from Mark R. Dybul, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, Department of State.


Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine ways to build an effective terrorist screening system and watch list, including standards for including individuals on the list, the outcomes of encounters with individuals on the list, potential vulnerabilities in screening processes and efforts to address them, and actions taken to promote effective terrorism-related screening, after receiving testimony from Eileen R. Larence, Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues, Government Accountability Office; Glenn A. Fine, Inspector General, and Leonard Boyle, Director, Terrorist Screening Center, both of the Department of Justice; and Paul Rosenzweig, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Policy.


Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Ronald Jay Tenpas, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Attorney General, who was introduced by Senator Specter, Joseph N. Laplante, to be United States District Judge for the District of New Hampshire, who was introduced by Senators Gregg and Sununu, Reed Charles O'Connor, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Texas, who was introduced by Senators Hutchison and Cornyn, Thomas D. Schroeder, to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of North Carolina, who was introduced by Senators Dole and Burr, and Amul R. Thapar, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky, who was introduced by Senators McConnell and Bunning, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf.

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Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the role of federally-funded university research in the patent system, including the University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act (Public Law 96-517), after receiving testimony from Arti K. Rai, Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina; Elizabeth Hoffman, Iowa State University Department of Economics, Ames; Robert Weissman, Essential Action, Washington, DC; and Charles F. Louis, University of California, Riverside.


Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine S. 2162, to improve the treatment and services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders, S. 2160, to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a pain care initiative in health care facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs, S. 38, to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a program for the provision of readjustment and mental health services to veterans who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, S. 2004, to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish epilepsy centers of excellence in the Veterans Health Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and S. 2142, to amend title 38, United States Code, to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to reimburse veterans receiving emergency treatment in non-Department of Veterans Affairs facilities for such treatment until such veterans are transferred to Department facilities, after receiving testimony from Michael J. Kussman, Under Secretary for Health, and Walter Hall, Assistant General Counsel, both of the Department of Veterans Affairs; Carl Blake, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and Joy J. Ilem, Disabled American Veterans, both of Washington, DC; Brenda Murdough, American Pain Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland; Brien J. Smith, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan; and Captain Constance A. Walker, USN (Ret.), Southern Maryland Chapter of National Alliance on Mental Illness, Leonardtown.


Special Committee on Aging: Committee concluded a hearing to examine hidden 401(k) fees, focusing on ways that disclosure can increase retirement security, after receiving testimony from Barbara D. Bovbjerg, Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues, Government Accountability Office; Bradford P. Campbell, Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Employee Benefits Administration; Jeff Love, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), Washington, DC; Mercer E. Bullard, Fund Democracy, Inc., Oxford, Mississippi; Michael Kiley, Plan Administrators, Inc., De Pere, Wisconsin, on behalf of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA), and the Council of Independent 401(k) Recordkeepers (CIKR); and Robert G. Chambers, Helms Mulliss and Wicker, Charlotte, North Carolina, on behalf of sundry organizations.

House of Representatives

Chamber Action

Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 13 public bills, H.R. 3951-3963; and 3 resolutions, H.J. Res. 60; H. Con. Res. 240; and H. Res. 772, were introduced.

Pages H12020-21

Additional Cosponsors:

Pages H12021-22

Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows:
H. Res. 773, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3867) to update and expand the procurement programs of the Small Business Administration (H. Rept. 110-407); and
H. Res. 774, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3963) to amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to extend and improve the Children's Health Insurance Program (H. Rept. 110-408).

Page H12020

Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the guest Chaplain, Rev. Allen Novotny, Gonzaga College High School, Washington, DC.

Page H11937

Amending the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 to extend the authorization for certain national heritage areas: The House passed H.R. 1483, to amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 to extend the authorization for certain national heritage areas, by a recorded vote of 291 ayes to 122 noes, Roll No. 996.

Pages H11940-65

Agreed to the Bishop (UT) motion to recommit the bill to the Committee on Natural Resources D1416with instructions to report the same to the House forthwith with an amendment, by a yea-and-nay vote of 344 yeas to 71 nays, Roll No. 995. Subsequently, Representative Rahall reported the bill back to the House with the amendment and the amendment was agreed to.
Pages H11963-64

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Pursuant to the rule, the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Natural Resources now printed in the bill, modified by the amendment printed in H. Rept. 110-405, shall be considered as adopted.

Page H11940

Agreed that the Clerk be authorized to make technical and conforming changes to reflect the actions of the House.
Pages H11973-74

H. Res. 765, the rule providing for consideration of the bill, was agreed to on Tuesday, October 23.

Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2007: The House passed H.R. 505, to express the policy of the United States regarding the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians and to provide a process for the recognition by the United States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity, by a yea-and-nay vote of 261 yeas to 153 nays, Roll No. 1000.

Pages H11974-89

Rejected the Flake motion to recommit the bill to the Committee on Natural Resources with instructions to report the same back to the House forthwith with an amendment, by a yea-and-nay vote of 178 yeas to 235 nays, Roll No. 999.
Pages H11986-88

H. Res. 764, the rule providing for consideration of the bill, was agreed to by a recorded vote of 217 ayes to 179 noes, Roll No. 998, after agreeing to order the previous question by a yea-and-nay vote of 218 yeas to 175 nays, Roll No. 997.
Pages H11965-73

Presidential Message: Read a message from the President wherein he notified Congress of the continuation of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13413 of October 27, 2006 with respect to the Democratic Republic of the Congo--referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered printed (H. Doc. 110-69).

Pages H12008-09

Quorum Calls--Votes: Four yea-and-nay votes and two recorded votes developed during the proceedings of today and appear on pages H11964, H11965, H11972-73, H11973, H11987-88, and H11989. There were no quorum calls.

Recess: The House recessed at 6:58 p.m. and reconvened at 11:52 p.m.

Page H12019

Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and adjourned at 11:54 p.m.

Committee Meetings


Committee on Agriculture: Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management held a hearing to review reauthorization of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Testimony was heard from Walter Lukken, Acting Chairman, CFTC; and Orice M. Williams, Director, Financial Markets and Community Investment, GAO.


Committee on Armed Services: Held a hearing on Air Force Strategic initiatives. Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of the Air Force: Michael Wynne, Secretary; and GEN T. Michael Moseley, USAF, Chief of Staff.


Committee on the Budget: Held a hearing on the Growing Budgetary Costs of the Iraq War. Testimony was heard from Peter Orszag, Director, CBO; Amy Belasco, CRS, Library of Congress; and a public witness.


Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled ``NASPER: Why Has the National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act Not Been Implemented?'' Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of Health and Human Services: H. Wesley Clark, M.D., Director, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; Len Paulozzi, M.D., Medical Epidemiologist, Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and a public witness.


Committee on Financial Services: Held a hearing entitled ``Legislative Proposals on Reforming Mortgage Practices.'' Testimony was heard from Martin J. Gruenberg, Vice Chair, FDIC; John C. Dugan, Comptroller of the Currency; and John M. Reich, Director of Thrift Supervision, both with the Department of the Treasury; Jo Ann Johnson, Chairman, National Credit Union Administration; Randall S. Kroszner, member, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System; Steven L. Antonakes, Commissioner, Division of Banks, Massachusetts; and public witnesses.

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Committee on Foreign Affairs: Held a hearing on U.S. Policy in the Middle East. Testimony was heard from Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State.


Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Border Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism and the Subcommittee on Management, Investigations and Oversight held a joint hearing entitled ``The Future of Border Security: Can SBInet Succeed?'' Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of Homeland Security: Gregory Giddens, Executive Director, Secure Border Initiative; and Chief Robert W. Gilbert, Chief Patrol Agent, Tucson Sector, U.S. Border Patrol; and Richard M. Stana, Director, Homeland Security and Justice, GAO; and public witnesses.


Committee on House Administration: Held an oversight hearing on the Library of Congress: Current Issues in Library Management. Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Library of Congress: James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress; Karl W. Schornagel, Inspector General; former Representative Bill Orton of Utah; and public witnesses.


Committee on the Judiciary: Ordered reported the following measures: H.R. 3921, Procedural Fairness for September 11th Victims Act of 2007; H.R. 2405, Proud to Be an American Citizen Act; H.R. 2884, amended, Kendell Frederick Citizenship Assistance Act; H.R. 1512, amended, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for compensation to State incarcerating undocumented aliens charged with a felony or two or more misdemeanors; H.R. 2830, amended, Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007; and H.R. 2128, amended, Sunshine in the Courtroom Act of 2007.
The Committee also approved a resolution that submissions to the Committee on its website tip line for Justice Department employees be received in executive session.
The Committee began mark up of H.R.1312, Arts Require Timely Service (ARTS) Act.


Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans held a hearing on the following bills: H.R. 1187, Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Boundary Modification and Protection Act; H.R. 1907, Coastal and Estuarine Land Protection Act; and H.R. 3352, Hydrographic Services Improvement Act Amendments of 2007. Testimony was hearing from Representatives Woolsey and Thompson of California; Jack Dunnigan, Assistant Administrator, Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management, NOAA, Department of Commerce; and public witnesses.


Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Water and Power held a hearing on the following bills: H.R. 496, Tumalo Water Conservation Project Act of 2007; H.R. 3323, Goleta Water Distribution System Conveyance Act of 2007; H.R. 3437, Jackson Gulch Rehabilitation Act of 2007; and H.R. 3739, To amend the Arizona Water Settlements Act to modify the requirements for the statement of findings. Testimony was heard from Robert Johnson, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior; and public witnesses.


Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Subcommittee on Domestic Policy held a hearing on Upholding the Spirit of CRA: Do CRA Rating Accurately Reflect Bank Practices? Testimony was heard from Sandra Thompson, Director, Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection, FDIC; Sandra F. Braunstein, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System; and the following officials of the Department of the Treasury: Montrice Yakimov, Managing Director, Compliance and Consumer Protection, Office of Thrift Supervision; and Ann Jaedicke, Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Policy, Comptroller of the Currency; and public witnesses.


Committee on Rules: Granted, by a voice vote, a structured rule. The rule provides one hour of general debate on H.R. 3867, Small Business Contracting Program Improvements Act, equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Small Business. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The rule provides that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions of the bill.
The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report. Amendments so printed may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in D1418the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. The rule waives all points of order against such amendments except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The rule provides one motion to recommit the bill with or without instructions. Finally, notwithstanding the operation of the previous question, the Chair may postpone further consideration of the bill to a time designated by the Speaker. Testimony was heard by Chairwoman Velazquez and Representatives Moran of Virginia, Chabot, Mica, Ginny Brown-Waite of Florida.

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Committee on Rules: Granted, by a vote of 8 to 4, a closed rule. The rule provides one hour of debate on H.R. 3963, Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007, equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Means.
The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The rule provides that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions of the bill. The rule provides one motion to recommit the bill with or without instructions. Finally, the rule permits the Chair, during consideration of the bill, to postpone further consideration of it to a time designated by the Speaker. Testimony was heard by Chairman Dingell and Representative Burgess.


Committee on Science and Technology: Ordered reported, as amended, the following bills: H.R. 1834, National Ocean Exploration Program Act; H.R. 2406, To authorize the National Institute of Standards and Technology to increase its efforts in support of the integration of the healthcare information enterprise in the United States; and H.R. 3877, Mine Communications Technology Innovation Act.


Committee in Small Business: Subcommittee on Finance and Tax held a hearing on Pension Parity: Addressing the Inequities between Retirement Plan Options for Small and Large Businesses. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.



Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Aviation held a hearing on Aviation and the Environment: Noise. Testimony was heard from Representative Crowley and McCarthy of New York; Carl Burleson, Director, Office of Environment and Energy, FAA, Department of Transportation; Gerald Dillingham, Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues, GAO; Ralph Tragale, Manager, Government and Community Relations, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; and public witnesses.


Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on Sharing Electronic Medical Records between Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs. Testimony was heard from Valerie Melvin, Director, Human Capital and Management Information Systems Issues, GAO; the following officials of the Department of Defense: BG Douglas J. Robb, M.D., USAF, Commander, 81st Medical Wing, Keesler Air Force Base; COL Keith Salzman, M.D., USA, Chief, Information Division, Western Regional Medical Command/Madigan Army Medical Center; LCDR James L. Martin, USN, 001--Regional Info System Officer, Military Sealift Command, U.S. Navy; COL Gregory Andre Marinkovich, USA, Data Management Product Line Functional Manager, Clinical Information Technology Program; Stephan Jones, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Health Affairs; and the following officials of the Department of Veterans Affairs: Howard B. Green, Deputy Director, Health Project Management Office, Office of Information and Technology; and Gerald M. Criss, M.D., Principal Deputy Under Secretary, Health.


Committee on Ways and Means: Ordered reported, as amended, H.R. 3920, Trade and Globalization Assistance Act of 2007.


Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming; Held a hearing on The Gas is Greener on the Other Side: the Future of Biofuels. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.D1419


OCTOBER 25, 2007

(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


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Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: business meeting to continue markup of the 2007 Farm Bill, Time to be announced, SR-328A.
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce, Trade, and Tourism, to hold hearings to examine sweatshop conditions in the toy industry in China, 9:30 a.m., SR-253.
Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Transportation Safety, Infrastructure Security, and Water Quality, to hold an oversight hearing to examine the effectiveness of federal drunk driving programs, 10 a.m., SD-406.
Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine small business health insurance, focusing on building a gateway to coverage, 10 a.m., SD-215.
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, to hold hearings to examine single audits, focusing on a recent study on the potential impacts that implementing certain recommendations could have to help ensure that federal funds are safeguarded, 2:30 p.m., SD-342.
Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider S. 1946, to help Federal prosecutors and investigators combat public corruption by strengthening and clarifying the law, S. Res. 347, designating May 2008 as ``National Be Bear Aware and Wildlife Stewardship Month'', S. Res. 346, expressing heartfelt sympathy for the victims of the devastating thunderstorms that caused severe flooding during August 2007 in the States of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and the nominations of John Daniel Tinder, of Indiana, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit, and Julie L. Myers, of Kansas, to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, 10 a.m., SD-226.
Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to examine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., SH-219.


Committee on Agriculture, hearing to review agriculture disaster conditions across the nation, 10 a.m., 1300 Longworth.
Committee on the Budget, hearing on Surface Transportation: Investment Needs and the Budget, 10 a.m., 210 Cannon.
Committee on Education and Labor, Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, hearing on H.R. 3582, Fair Home Health Care Act, 9:30 a.m., 2175 Rayburn.
Committee on Energy and Commerce, to consider the following measures: H.R. 1534, Mercury Export Ban Act of 2007; H.R. 3461, Safeguarding America's Families by Enhancing and Reorganizing New and Efficient Technologies Act of 2007; H.R. 2601 To extend the authority of the Federal Trade Commission to collect fees to administer and enforce the provisions relating to the ``Do-not-call'' registry of the Telemarketing Sales Rule; H.R. 3541, Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007; H.R. 3526, To include all banking agencies within the existing regulatory authority under the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to depository institutions; H.R. 3403, 911 Modernization and Safety Act of 2007; and H.R. 3919, Broadband Census of America Act of 2007; 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn.
Committee on Financial Services, hearing entitled ``Transparency of Extractive Industries: High Stakes for Resource-Rich Countries, Citizens and International Business,'' 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn.
Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment, and the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, hearing on The Six Party Process: Progress and Perils in North Korea's Denuclearization, 3 p.m., 2320 Rayburn.

October 25, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, hearing on U.S. Security Assistance to Mexico, 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn.
Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, hearing on H.R. 3010, Arbitration Fairness Act of 2007, 2 p.m., 2141 Rayburn.

Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, hearing on Organized Retail Theft Prevention: Fostering a Comprehensive Public-Private Response, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn.
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, hearing on Iraq, 10 a.m., 2154 Rayburn.
Committee on Science and Technology, hearing on Health Insurer Consolidations, The Impact on Small Business, 10 a.m., 2360 Rayburn.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, hearing on The Impact of Railroad Injury, Accident, and Discipline Policies on the Safety of America's Railroads, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, oversight hearing on VETS DVOP/LVER Program, 2 p.m., 334 Cannon.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, executive, briefing on Recent Middle East Events, 9 a.m., H-405 Capitol.
Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007, hearing on Voting in the House of Representatives--Rules, Procedures, Precedents, Custom and Practice, 8:30 a.m., H-313 Capitol.

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Next Meeting of the

9:30 a.m., Thursday, October 25

Senate Chamber

Program for Thursday: After the transaction of any morning business (not to extend beyond 60 minutes), Senate will continue consideration of S. 294, Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act, and after a period of debate, vote on or in relation to Sununu Amendment No. 3453.

Next Meeting of the

10 a.m., Thursday, October 25

House Chamber

Program for Thursday: Consideration of H.R. 3867--Small Business Contracting Program Improvements Act (Subject to a Rule).

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue


Baca, Joe, Calif., E2223

Bishop, Timothy H., N.Y., E2229

Blackburn, Marsha, Tenn., E2234

Boehner, John A., Ohio, E2236

Capps, Lois, Calif., E2229

Castle, Michael N., Del., E2234

Chabot, Steve, Ohio, E2237

Christensen, Donna M., The Virgin Islands, E2226

Costa, Jim, Calif., E2224, E2227

Crenshaw, Ander, Fla., E2233

Delahunt, William D., Mass., E2231, E2233

Edwards, Chet, Tex., E2231

Everett, Terry, Ala., E2220

Filner, Bob, Calif., E2228

Hobson, David L., Ohio, E2236

Jackson, Jesse L., Jr., Ill., E2224

Jackson-Lee, Sheila, Tex., E2219, E2222

Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E2224

Jones, Stephanie Tubbs, Ohio, E2221, E2237

Jordan, Jim, Ohio, E2236

Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E2235

King, Peter T., N.Y., E2225

Kirk, Mark Steven, Ill., E2222

Klein, Ron, Fla., E2224

Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E2237

Langevin, James R., R.I., E2230

Lantos, Tom, Calif., E2230

Lipinski, Daniel, Ill., E2229

Matsui, Doris O., Calif., E2238

Meek, Kendrick B., Fla., E2228

Miller, Jeff, Fla., E2221

Oberstar, James L., Minn., E2229

Pitts, Joseph R., Pa., E2232

Poe, Ted, Tex., E2220, E2223, E2225, E2227

Putnam, Adam H., Fla., E2225

Radanovich, George, Calif., E2224

Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E2219, E2222

Rothman, Steven R., N.J., E2226

Ryan, Paul, Wisc., E2227

Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E2236

Sessions, Pete, Tex., E2219, E2222, E2225, E2226, E2231

Shimkus, John, Ill., E2225

Solis, Hilda L., Calif., E2233

Space, Zachary T., Ohio, E2237

Sutton, Betty, Ohio, E2235

Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E2220, E2223, E2225

Walberg, Timothy, Mich., E2221

Walden, Greg, Ore., E2234

Watson, Diane E., Calif., E2227

Wilson, Charles A., Ohio, E2237

Woolsey, Lynn C., Calif., E2226

Young, Don, Alaska, E2234

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