Committee on Science and Technology
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Caucus & Staff Reports


Congress:   Subcommittee: 
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Engineering the Climate: Research Needs and Strategies for International Coordination


Fairness and Contracting Integrity in NASA’s Space Communications Network Services Competition


A Public Health Tragedy: How Flawed CDC Data and Faulty Assumptions Endangered Children’s Health


The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR): Problems in the Past, Potential for the Future?


The Passing of FutureGen: How the World’s Premier Clean Coal Technology Project Came to be Abandoned

Subcommittee Quick Links
[technology]  [energy]  [oversight]  [research]  [space]

technology and innovation

energy and environment

Investigations and Oversight

research and science education

space and aeronautics

The 112TH CONGRESS (2011-2012) The Library of Congress: THOMAS


Science Education and You

CMF Platinum Mouse Award for the 111th Congress
Last Updated