Congressman Mark Pocan

Representing the 2nd District of Wisconsin
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Supporting Seniors

While in Congress, I have made protection of critical programs for our seniors such as Social Security and Medicare one of my top priorities. The support that these programs offer has lifted millions of seniors out of poverty and provided financial security for many of our most vulnerable citizens. I believe we cannot balance the budget on the backs of our seniors and have fought hard against a chained-CPI formula that would reduce benefits to seniors who have paid into the system their entire lives. I also signed onto a letter to the President with 106 of my Democratic colleagues opposing any cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. Any changes to these programs should be to make them stronger or expand them—not to cut benefits.

Our seniors continue to be pinched, and Social Security often times makes up a significant portion of their revenue. In fact, one third of our seniors live almost exclusively on their social security checks. Expanding and strengthening the program will provide our seniors with greater economic security while providing a boost to our overall economy.

Medicare has helped seniors and persons with disabilities receive appropriate health care, and it has done so with far lower administrative costs than private insurance. Our senior citizens cannot afford to lose the health and economic security protections that Medicare provides. I will do everything I can to protect this essential program.

I strongly support the basic guarantee of the Social Security and Medicare programs; a solid and stable foundation for retirement security is a right not a privilege.

See also Senior Citizens' Resources.

More on Supporting Seniors

Jul 30, 2013 Blog Post

Forty-eight years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Social Security Act, enacting Medicare and Medicaid into law and establishing a promise to our nation’s seniors. For nearly half a century, Medicare has provided vital health care security for seniors and people with disabilities. In the Badger State alone, Medicare helps hundreds of thousands of seniors afford their care. For millions more around the country, Medicare is a tangible guarantee of security and stability after a lifetime of hard work.