To be directed to the Medicare’s website, click here.

If you would like my help with a Medicare issue, please print and complete the Congressional Inquiry Form for Review and then fax or mail it to my district office. Please note: If the difficulty you are facing with a federal agency is time sensitive, please call my district office directly for expedited service.

As with any other issue of concern to you, I hope you'll take the time to let me know how you feel about this issue. To find the best means to contact me, click here.

Common questions related to Medicare:

I lost my Medicare card. How do I get a new one?

If you lose your card, contact your local Social Security office at 1-800-Medicare or visit the Medicare website to get a new one. Please protect your Medicare card just as you would a credit card. Your Medicare card in the wrong hands can be used to submit fraudulent claims.

I recently moved to another state. How do I update my address with Medicare?
To protect you and ensure your receipt of your benefits, please let your Social Security office know that your address has changed.

Although I am able to walk, I have a difficult time walking long distances. Would Medicare allow payment for a wheelchair or Power Operated Vehicle (POV)?
Medicare wheelchair and POV coverage guidelines indicate that in order to allow payment for a wheelchair, a person with Medicare must be bed or chair-confined without the use of a wheelchair. Furthermore in terms of POV all of the following criteria must be met:
  • You require a wheelchair to maneuver in your home;
  • You cannot operate a manual wheelchair;
  • You can safely operate the controls of a POV;
  • You can transfer safely to and from a POV and have adequate trunk stability to safely ride in a POV.
  • You need a prescription from your physician prior to purchasing the POV, and the physician and supplier must complete a Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN).