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I am a strong proponent of a balanced federal budget and an advocate for reducing the size of the federal government. To facilitate the return to balanced budgets, Congress has a number of tools at its disposal, including reducing spending, improving government efficiency, budget process reform, and promoting economic growth through tax relief.

Reckless spending is one of the biggest problems currently plaguing our federal government and has contributed to the growing budget deficit. As a fiscal conservative, I will continue to hold the line on the federal deficit by working to restrain discretionary spending. This is critical given the current state of our economy. I will do my best to ensure that Congress exercises fiscal restraint in order to achieve a balanced budget, while still allocating sufficient funding levels to meet the needs of our American communities.

Now, more than ever, as our nation fights the war on terrorism, we must act wisely, and spend prudently. Fiscal discipline is the hallmark of a free society because it enables individuals to pursue their dreams without the burdensome intrusion of the federal government.

For information on the economy click here.

As with any other issue of concern to you and your family, I hope you will take the time to let me know how you feel about this issue. To find the best means to contact me, click here.

Related Websites:
White House Office of Management and Budget
Congressional Budget Office
House Budget Committee
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