Ranking Member Waxman Proposes New Path Forward for Strong Open Internet Rules

Oct 3, 2014

Today Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler suggesting a new approach for protecting a free and open Internet.   Under the hybrid approach outlined in the letter, the FCC would reclassify broadband providers as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act, and then use its authority under section 706 to establish three-bright line rules:  a no blocking rule, a no throttling rule, and a no paid prioritization rule. 

In the letter, Rep. Waxman writes:  “Using a combination of reclassification under Title II and section 706 would give the FCC broad authority to establish strong rules to protect the open Internet.  This approach can produce the bright-line protections that advocates are seeking while avoiding the invocation of the Title II authorities most strongly opposed by the broadband providers."

The full text of the letter can be found here.