Congressman Markwayne Mullin

Representing the 2nd District of Oklahoma
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Spending Cuts and Debt

For more information concerning my work and views on Spending Cuts and Debt, please contact me.

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More on Spending Cuts and Debt

Apr 10, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Markwayne Mullin made the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H. Con. Res. 96, the budget for the United States Government, by a vote of 219-205.

“Our country is in need of leadership, specifically the type of leadership that puts country first and politics second.

Apr 10, 2013 Press Release
“President Obama’s budget is another example of how Washington D.C. just doesn’t get it. The President’s budget attempts to find savings on the backs of our senior citizens by taking away billions of dollars from Medicare.
Mar 13, 2013 Editorial
The nation’s debt is not being ignored by people across the Second District. We are not a wealthy district and people here work hard for their paychecks. They are frustrated by their federal government that tosses around millions and billions seemingly without much consideration. At a recent town hall meeting in Holdenville a resident spoke against continually raising the debt ceiling and said, “I am tired of paying taxes and them (Washington) wasting my money.”
Mar 6, 2013 Press Release
Today Congress approved H. R. 933, the Department of Defense, Military Construction, and Veterans Affairs and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund government operations. The bill passed by a vote of 267 – 151. "I voted yes on this bill because it gives our military much-needed flexibility during sequestration and makes the spending cuts that are vital to finally balancing the budget permanent,” Mullin said. “These cuts are real cuts to spending and reign in many out-of-control tentacles of the federal government such as the EPA and IRS.”
Mar 1, 2013 Press Release
Today marks the beginning of the across-the-board spending cuts called the sequester. It is unfortunate that in Washington, nobody can agree to make the spending cuts needed to replace the sequester. Oklahomans have seen through the ratcheted-up political rhetoric coming from both the White House and Congress. They are ready for the dysfunction to stop and for this country to get back on stable fiscal footing by making common-sense cuts to federal spending that do not threaten public safety, national defense or the economy.
Jan 24, 2013 Editorial

Washington Doesn’t Create Jobs


I began running a business when I was only 20 years old. Back then it if you worked hard and followed the rules; you had a pretty good shot at getting ahead.

Today it seems the deck is increasingly stacked against those who work hard and pursue their own dreams, especially if you are a business owner.